Monday, June 01, 2009

We are all witnesses to the fact

Today’s Reading: Acts 2:31-32 (NIV)

31 Seeing what was ahead, he spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to the grave, nor did his body see decay. 32 God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses to the fact.

Good morning!

There was no doubt in my mind after yesterday's worship service, that we are all witnesses to the fact that God raised Jesus to new life. I heard it over and over again in the personal testimonies shared by our seven confirmands leading worship. I’ve known these young people for the last nine years of their lives. When Jeff and I came to Faith Church, most of these children were in preschool, some had just begun Kindergarten. They sang about Jesus in several Christmas musicals. I remembered one Christmas program in particular, when they were all dressed up as angels. I couldn’t help but think of that day, and the spiritual growth that had occurred in their hearts and minds in such a short span of time.

One young woman spoke on how answered prayer had impacted her family’s life. As a little girl, she longed to see her Father experience a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Children instinctively know and recognize real love and she wanted her Dad to know real love. When he gave his life to the Lord, it was all the confirmation she needed to completely give her life to the Lord. It was through the weekly encouragement of her elementary Sunday school teacher that kept this child on her knees, praying daily for her Dad.

Another young man told of God’s call upon his life to share the Gospel message with children everywhere through video ministry, using puppets to convey Christ’s love. Two others personally said thank you to their Sunday school teachers for their help and guidance that they received in understanding Scripture and experiencing the love of Christ. Teaching the Word is a high and holy calling, and it leaves a life mark that follows folks for the rest of our days. Who are some of the teachers you should thank today for the seeds of faith that was planted and cultivated in you?

King David was given the gift of prophetic insight, and a promise He knew the Father would keep. He believed with all his heart that there would be one from his lineage whose body would not decay in the grave. The Apostle Peter confirmed what David knew to be true; He was an eyewitness that God had indeed raised Jesus to life and that He lives today, conquering sin and death forever.

One of the most powerful witnesses in yesterday’s services was that of a young lady, who explained her faith in Jesus Christ in such a simple way. She said to imagine that you are standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down into the deep. Across the way, you can see God. He is standing right there, but you have no way to reach him from where you are. If you step off the cliff, you will surely fall and no one wants to do that. When Jesus died on the cross for my sin, that cross became the bridge covering the deep divide between a holy and perfect God and me. It was only when she realized that she could cross over the gap through Christ alone, that she could run full steam into her Father’s loving arms. And that is exactly what she did.

There is no greater gift than knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Won’t you come to Him today in faith? He will bridge your way straight into the Father’s loving arms. Don't wait another minute - ask Him to be your Savior today.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

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