Check it out! There is nothing quite like Faith on Fire!
If you double-click on the link called Faith On Fire, you will experience a brand new website launched by Ellen Waldo, Alicia Polk and myself. The Faith on Fire web community was birthed to bring honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to share His love with everyone! It is a space where passion for Christ can be expressed through the words we speak each day. It is a community where we can find encouragement and experience faith cells erupting all over the Missouri area. We celebrate the good work of our United Methodist congregations in Missouri, highlighting their mission and ministries to the communities in which they live.
This website is for each and every one of us. We can blog our thoughts, tell our stories, and share life together. You are invited to contribute to Faith On Fire. This website is not an official product of the United Methodist Church or of the Missouri Area Conference. It is not only for women. It is not only for United Methodists, and it is not only for those in Missouri. It is just what we happen to be and where we happen to be located. If you have a faith that is on fire, then you are welcome here.
Come and see this work in progress. We would love to hear from you! Let us know what you think. You can contact us through Faith On Fire, or you may contact me directly at
Grace and peace to you dear friends,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Dreaming big for the Lord
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: 2 Kings 1, 2, 3; Psalm 72
2 Kings 2:9 (NIV)
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.
John 14:25-27 (NIV)
25 [Jesus said] “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world give. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Acts 2:17 (NIV)
17 In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
Good morning!
Are you a dreamer? When I was a child, I used to have horrible nightmares. Going to sleep was not always a pleasant experience. Sometimes, I would fight sleep just to keep from having to dream those scary dreams. If you’ve ever rocked a child back to sleep after they’ve cried out in fear in the middle of the night, then you may understand what I’m talking about. Do you ever wonder what a newborn baby is dreaming about? When I held my precious grandbabies and watched them sleep, they would get the strangest looks on their faces. Sometimes, they would smile or laugh out loud. Other times, they would furrow their eyebrows, open their mouths and cry out, as if something had totally distressed them. My grandmother used to say that the sleeping child must have a belly ache. I wonder if there isn’t more to those facial expressions on the faces of our precious wee ones than we can fully understand.
I believe that the Lord speaks to us through our dreams. As we grow in faith, the Holy Spirit helps us to become sensitive to the Father’s still small voice. I outgrew the fear of nightmares when I learned to place my faith in Him. I found the scripture to be comforting and worth reciting before I closed my eyes each night. I would say, “You will keep me in perfect peace, when my mind and heart is focused on completely on you.” Going to sleep became a welcome experience when I learned how to cast my worries aside and trust Him to keep my heart and mind safe and sound. When our grandson Jett would come to spend the night with us, he would experience nightmares in the middle of the night. Jett would wake up drenched in sweat, crying, screaming and shaking uncontrollably. I would hold this child in my arms and sing the words to “Giving You Back to Jesus.” I first heard this song when my husband Jeff was ministering at North Hills United Methodist Church in North St. Louis County. Our choir director knew singer-songwriter Sue Paschal. She had written these words to remind all of us just how important it is to give our children back to the Lord. Won’t you read these words of faith and let them speak to your heart today:
The time may come you feel, I’ve let you down, I know; when I can’t answer all your questions, and so,
I’m giving you to the one whose arms you can’t outgrow. I’m giving you back to Jesus.
I’d like to hide you from the world, you know I would; to keep you safe and warm forever, if I could. And so I give you to the one who’s only good. I’m giving you back to Jesus.
The best gift I ever got was when He gave me you. He’s sharing you with me for a time.
I promised Him then I’d do the best that I could do, because you still belong to Him, you’re really not mine.
He’ll always be there to pick you up if you should fall. He loves you so much somehow it makes my love seem small! He’s the best that I can give you, though you know I’d give my all, and so I’m giving you back to Jesus.
The best gift I ever got was when He gave me you. He’s sharing you with me for a time.
I promised Him then I’d do the best that I could do, because you still belong to Him, you’re really not mine.
Someday when you’re grown the time will come for you to choose whether you’ll be the kind of child that He can use. Won’t you stay close beside Him? Oh, I pray you won’t refuse to give yourself back to Jesus.
Won’t you give yourself back to Jesus.
Elisha was wise when he asked to receive a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Jesus promised that He would not leave us alone. He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort, convict and communicate the Word into the believer’s heart. Dreaming the big dreams that God has planted inside your heart can bring you great comfort and purpose as you seek to live within His will for your life. Do not be afraid to dream. Give yourself back to Jesus and let Him mold you into a child that He can use. Dream big, baby!
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: a double portion of the Holy Spirit! Salvation through Jesus Christ is the best gift you will ever receive. You belong to the Lord. He has sent His sweet Holy Spirit to light the way home. Jesus can take the nightmares of your life and bring you perfect peace when you ask for His comfort, direction and love. Do not be afraid to dream the big dreams that the Lord has planted inside of your heart.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: 2 Kings 1, 2, 3; Psalm 72
2 Kings 2:9 (NIV)
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.
John 14:25-27 (NIV)
25 [Jesus said] “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world give. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Acts 2:17 (NIV)
17 In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
Good morning!
Are you a dreamer? When I was a child, I used to have horrible nightmares. Going to sleep was not always a pleasant experience. Sometimes, I would fight sleep just to keep from having to dream those scary dreams. If you’ve ever rocked a child back to sleep after they’ve cried out in fear in the middle of the night, then you may understand what I’m talking about. Do you ever wonder what a newborn baby is dreaming about? When I held my precious grandbabies and watched them sleep, they would get the strangest looks on their faces. Sometimes, they would smile or laugh out loud. Other times, they would furrow their eyebrows, open their mouths and cry out, as if something had totally distressed them. My grandmother used to say that the sleeping child must have a belly ache. I wonder if there isn’t more to those facial expressions on the faces of our precious wee ones than we can fully understand.
I believe that the Lord speaks to us through our dreams. As we grow in faith, the Holy Spirit helps us to become sensitive to the Father’s still small voice. I outgrew the fear of nightmares when I learned to place my faith in Him. I found the scripture to be comforting and worth reciting before I closed my eyes each night. I would say, “You will keep me in perfect peace, when my mind and heart is focused on completely on you.” Going to sleep became a welcome experience when I learned how to cast my worries aside and trust Him to keep my heart and mind safe and sound. When our grandson Jett would come to spend the night with us, he would experience nightmares in the middle of the night. Jett would wake up drenched in sweat, crying, screaming and shaking uncontrollably. I would hold this child in my arms and sing the words to “Giving You Back to Jesus.” I first heard this song when my husband Jeff was ministering at North Hills United Methodist Church in North St. Louis County. Our choir director knew singer-songwriter Sue Paschal. She had written these words to remind all of us just how important it is to give our children back to the Lord. Won’t you read these words of faith and let them speak to your heart today:
The time may come you feel, I’ve let you down, I know; when I can’t answer all your questions, and so,
I’m giving you to the one whose arms you can’t outgrow. I’m giving you back to Jesus.
I’d like to hide you from the world, you know I would; to keep you safe and warm forever, if I could. And so I give you to the one who’s only good. I’m giving you back to Jesus.
The best gift I ever got was when He gave me you. He’s sharing you with me for a time.
I promised Him then I’d do the best that I could do, because you still belong to Him, you’re really not mine.
He’ll always be there to pick you up if you should fall. He loves you so much somehow it makes my love seem small! He’s the best that I can give you, though you know I’d give my all, and so I’m giving you back to Jesus.
The best gift I ever got was when He gave me you. He’s sharing you with me for a time.
I promised Him then I’d do the best that I could do, because you still belong to Him, you’re really not mine.
Someday when you’re grown the time will come for you to choose whether you’ll be the kind of child that He can use. Won’t you stay close beside Him? Oh, I pray you won’t refuse to give yourself back to Jesus.
Won’t you give yourself back to Jesus.
Elisha was wise when he asked to receive a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Jesus promised that He would not leave us alone. He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort, convict and communicate the Word into the believer’s heart. Dreaming the big dreams that God has planted inside your heart can bring you great comfort and purpose as you seek to live within His will for your life. Do not be afraid to dream. Give yourself back to Jesus and let Him mold you into a child that He can use. Dream big, baby!
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: a double portion of the Holy Spirit! Salvation through Jesus Christ is the best gift you will ever receive. You belong to the Lord. He has sent His sweet Holy Spirit to light the way home. Jesus can take the nightmares of your life and bring you perfect peace when you ask for His comfort, direction and love. Do not be afraid to dream the big dreams that the Lord has planted inside of your heart.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Standing under the umbrella of grace
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 21, 22; Psalm 71
I Kings 21:17-19; 27-29 (NIV)
17 Then the Word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite: 18 “Go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who rules in Samaria. He is now in Naboth’s vineyard, where he has gone to take possession of it. 19 Say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Have you not murdered a man and seized his property?’ Then say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: In the place where dogs licked up Naboth’s blood, dogs will lick up your blood – yes, yours!’”
27 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly. 28 Then the Word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite: 29 “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in his day, but I will bring it on his house in the days of his son.”
Good morning!
Humble pie can be hard to eat, especially when I have to admit that I was wrong. Do you ever struggle to apologize for an unhealthy attitude? When our daughter Rachel was learning to drive, she had a hard time understanding which direction to turn the steering wheel to get the car to move in the right direction. This was a very hard concept for her, especially when she would put the car in reverse. That Sunday morning, I was not a pretty sight, sitting in the front passenger seat next to my teenager daughter. My white knuckles clawed permanent indentations into the hand rest on the passenger door, as the fear of God poured from my head. Tiny little beads of sweat ran down my neck and soaked my dress collar. This was probably the time I came closest to resigning as a mother. Why did we always have to struggle on the way to church? The late, great Gilda Radner understood exactly how I felt. I loved it when Rosanne Rosanadana said, “It’s always something.”
Our Rachel had managed to get her driving permit. How did that happen? And of course, she loved to chauffer her mother and brothers to church every Sunday morning. Jeff always went to the church early on Sunday mornings to pray and prepare for worship. I would feed and clothe the children, get myself ready, and hurry to the church each week. My prayer was that we would arrive before the beginning of the prelude. When Rachel started to drive us to church, we had to slow down the pace a bit. I wanted her to take her time and not rush. But God love her, she knew we were in a hurry, and somehow, that prompted her to always have a lead foot. There are times when a lead foot comes in handy, but not when you’re trying to back out of the garage, down the driveway and into the street. On this particular Sunday morning, Rachel gunned it. I think she was tired of hearing me say, “Boys, hurry it up! We’re going to be late. We’ve got to go NOW!” Fortunately, the people on the sidewalk saw Rachel coming and moved out of her way. The neighborhood learned how to watch out for our Rachel. She turned the wheel in the opposite direction, and how we missed hitting the big tree in our front yard is beyond me. The rest of the way to church was rather unpleasant. I sat in the passenger seat with gritted teeth and spewing words of wisdom that sounded something like this: “Rachel, do you have any idea what could have just happened back there? You could have hit those poor joggers on the sidewalk. You could have taken out the tree and totaled my car. This is the only car I have to drive and I depend on it to get back and forth from work. You have got to be more careful, honey. You have got to pay attention to what you are doing when you get behind the wheel.” Okay, enough said. I think I’ve made the point.
The very next day, (I kid you not) I totaled my car in an accident while driving to work. The accident was completely my fault. I did not see the light change in the intersection and managed to t-bone a car coming from the cross-street. The car crunched around me. I couldn’t move, or even open the doors. The engine had been pushed back into the front seat. I chipped my two front teeth, broke several ribs and cut my leg. I had a whiplash that took several weeks to heal. Fortunately, the man that I hit walked away uninjured, by the grace of God. Talk about having to eat a little humble pie – I can remember laying on the sofa at home, holding Rachel’s hand and apologizing for my harsh, motherly words. While what I said to her that Sunday morning was not wrong; it just proves that no matter how careful we are, there are times when we are going to mess up. That is why they are called accidents. Are you an accident just waiting to happen? I know I am. My best intentions may not always bring about the best result. Admitting that we are less than perfect and choosing to repent for the mistakes we make is crucial to our daily faith walk.
King Ahab was a mess. Yet, when confronted with his sin, Ahab tore his clothes, covered his head in shame, and repented. The Lord Jesus extends grace and mercy to everyone who truly repents of their sin and longs to live in newness of life. Humble pie is never easy to consume. When the end result is forgiveness, standing under the Lord's umbrella is a great place to live. Won’t you join me this morning underneath the umbrella of His grace?
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: a humble heart and contrite spirit. There will be a time when you will mess up, even when you’re intentions were good. Confess, repent and believe! There is grace today through the blood of the Lamb.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 21, 22; Psalm 71
I Kings 21:17-19; 27-29 (NIV)
17 Then the Word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite: 18 “Go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who rules in Samaria. He is now in Naboth’s vineyard, where he has gone to take possession of it. 19 Say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Have you not murdered a man and seized his property?’ Then say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: In the place where dogs licked up Naboth’s blood, dogs will lick up your blood – yes, yours!’”
27 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly. 28 Then the Word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite: 29 “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in his day, but I will bring it on his house in the days of his son.”
Good morning!
Humble pie can be hard to eat, especially when I have to admit that I was wrong. Do you ever struggle to apologize for an unhealthy attitude? When our daughter Rachel was learning to drive, she had a hard time understanding which direction to turn the steering wheel to get the car to move in the right direction. This was a very hard concept for her, especially when she would put the car in reverse. That Sunday morning, I was not a pretty sight, sitting in the front passenger seat next to my teenager daughter. My white knuckles clawed permanent indentations into the hand rest on the passenger door, as the fear of God poured from my head. Tiny little beads of sweat ran down my neck and soaked my dress collar. This was probably the time I came closest to resigning as a mother. Why did we always have to struggle on the way to church? The late, great Gilda Radner understood exactly how I felt. I loved it when Rosanne Rosanadana said, “It’s always something.”
Our Rachel had managed to get her driving permit. How did that happen? And of course, she loved to chauffer her mother and brothers to church every Sunday morning. Jeff always went to the church early on Sunday mornings to pray and prepare for worship. I would feed and clothe the children, get myself ready, and hurry to the church each week. My prayer was that we would arrive before the beginning of the prelude. When Rachel started to drive us to church, we had to slow down the pace a bit. I wanted her to take her time and not rush. But God love her, she knew we were in a hurry, and somehow, that prompted her to always have a lead foot. There are times when a lead foot comes in handy, but not when you’re trying to back out of the garage, down the driveway and into the street. On this particular Sunday morning, Rachel gunned it. I think she was tired of hearing me say, “Boys, hurry it up! We’re going to be late. We’ve got to go NOW!” Fortunately, the people on the sidewalk saw Rachel coming and moved out of her way. The neighborhood learned how to watch out for our Rachel. She turned the wheel in the opposite direction, and how we missed hitting the big tree in our front yard is beyond me. The rest of the way to church was rather unpleasant. I sat in the passenger seat with gritted teeth and spewing words of wisdom that sounded something like this: “Rachel, do you have any idea what could have just happened back there? You could have hit those poor joggers on the sidewalk. You could have taken out the tree and totaled my car. This is the only car I have to drive and I depend on it to get back and forth from work. You have got to be more careful, honey. You have got to pay attention to what you are doing when you get behind the wheel.” Okay, enough said. I think I’ve made the point.
The very next day, (I kid you not) I totaled my car in an accident while driving to work. The accident was completely my fault. I did not see the light change in the intersection and managed to t-bone a car coming from the cross-street. The car crunched around me. I couldn’t move, or even open the doors. The engine had been pushed back into the front seat. I chipped my two front teeth, broke several ribs and cut my leg. I had a whiplash that took several weeks to heal. Fortunately, the man that I hit walked away uninjured, by the grace of God. Talk about having to eat a little humble pie – I can remember laying on the sofa at home, holding Rachel’s hand and apologizing for my harsh, motherly words. While what I said to her that Sunday morning was not wrong; it just proves that no matter how careful we are, there are times when we are going to mess up. That is why they are called accidents. Are you an accident just waiting to happen? I know I am. My best intentions may not always bring about the best result. Admitting that we are less than perfect and choosing to repent for the mistakes we make is crucial to our daily faith walk.
King Ahab was a mess. Yet, when confronted with his sin, Ahab tore his clothes, covered his head in shame, and repented. The Lord Jesus extends grace and mercy to everyone who truly repents of their sin and longs to live in newness of life. Humble pie is never easy to consume. When the end result is forgiveness, standing under the Lord's umbrella is a great place to live. Won’t you join me this morning underneath the umbrella of His grace?
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: a humble heart and contrite spirit. There will be a time when you will mess up, even when you’re intentions were good. Confess, repent and believe! There is grace today through the blood of the Lamb.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
There is revelation in rest
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 19, 20; Psalm 70
I Kings 19:3-5; 11-13 (NIV)
3 Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 4 while he himself went a day’s journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life, I am no better than any of my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep.
11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Good morning!
I am really tired this morning! Have you ever felt so tired that you just didn’t think you could take another step forward? I have a busy life. My days are filled with activities, from the moment I awake until I place my head on the pillow late at night. I spend approximately 8-9 hours at my day job. This is work that I enjoy and take great pride in. I am blessed to be part of a team of people with whom I enjoy working. I like contributing to a corporate culture that raises the bar in excellence and encourages continuing education of every employee. When I am not at work, I spend many of my evenings reading, writing and studying. I love to share my faith with others. I spend time chatting online with Christians in various parts of the US. I learn from their life experiences and enjoy sharing holy moments on the worldwide web. There are a lot of people online, and many of them are seeking answers to life’s big questions. Offering them Christ is a privilege and an opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord.
I like to crochet, scrapbook and attend various fellowship opportunities at my church on the weekends. I am especially happy when I can spend time playing with my grandchildren. I like to give my children a hard time, I think every mothers lives for those priceless moments of sheer genius. Occasionally, I get to sit on the sofa and snuggle with my husband. Now that is a nice way to spend an evening. I truly have a wonderful life, and the Lord has blessed me with some amazing people who surround me daily in prayer and choose to love me, even when I get a little tired and out of sorts.
Do you ever get tired and cranky? I had no idea how tired I could feel until I found myself fighting iron deficiency anemia. Feeling tired has taken on a whole new meaning for me. Poor Elijah! He had been fighting the good fight for a long time. He had gotten to the place where he believed he was the only one out there on the battle ground. Desperate for a little rest and revelation, he headed into the desert alone to pour out his soul to God. He was so tired that he just wanted to die. His pitiful prayer sounds very familiar to me. Dear Lord, I am no better off than my family. I have had enough of this life. Just let me die right here, Lord. I am so very done. Have you ever feel so tired that you were more than ready to pack it all in and give up?
God visited an exhausted prophet that day in the desert. Surprisingly, the Lord did not reveal himself in the large catastrophic events of an earthquake, tornado or fire. Elijah recognized the presence of God in the sound of a gentle whisper. How does God speak to you? I hear His voice as I read and study His Word each day. Sometimes, I can feel His amazing touch when I’m on my knees in prayer. The one place where the Lord chooses to reveal Himself to me is when I’m resting. There are times when I will hear Him speak to my heart through a dream, as I lay in the sleepy haze of an early morning encounter. He wakes me up each day as I stumble to the study with my Bible and a bottle of water in hand. Isn’t it amazing that we look for God to reveal himself in miraculous, life-changing moments, and yet, He comes to us in whispers in the quiet, peaceful moments of our life. Elijah needed some tender loving care, and when he cried out in utter despair, the Lord showed up in the quiet and stillness of rest.
Are you looking for a little revelation to help you get through this day? Stop. Take time to put your feet up. Grab your Bible and ask the Lord to speak to your heart. He will give you perfect peace, when you focus your whole heart and mind on Him.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: the Lord to reveal Himself to you in the moments of divine rest. His revelation is all you need to get your percolator perking again! He’s better than the strongest cup of coffee, sweeter than that jelly donut you just consumed, and His love in your life will last forever. Hang on baby. There is revelation is rest, when you let the Lord of life hold your heart.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 19, 20; Psalm 70
I Kings 19:3-5; 11-13 (NIV)
3 Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 4 while he himself went a day’s journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life, I am no better than any of my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep.
11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Good morning!
I am really tired this morning! Have you ever felt so tired that you just didn’t think you could take another step forward? I have a busy life. My days are filled with activities, from the moment I awake until I place my head on the pillow late at night. I spend approximately 8-9 hours at my day job. This is work that I enjoy and take great pride in. I am blessed to be part of a team of people with whom I enjoy working. I like contributing to a corporate culture that raises the bar in excellence and encourages continuing education of every employee. When I am not at work, I spend many of my evenings reading, writing and studying. I love to share my faith with others. I spend time chatting online with Christians in various parts of the US. I learn from their life experiences and enjoy sharing holy moments on the worldwide web. There are a lot of people online, and many of them are seeking answers to life’s big questions. Offering them Christ is a privilege and an opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord.
I like to crochet, scrapbook and attend various fellowship opportunities at my church on the weekends. I am especially happy when I can spend time playing with my grandchildren. I like to give my children a hard time, I think every mothers lives for those priceless moments of sheer genius. Occasionally, I get to sit on the sofa and snuggle with my husband. Now that is a nice way to spend an evening. I truly have a wonderful life, and the Lord has blessed me with some amazing people who surround me daily in prayer and choose to love me, even when I get a little tired and out of sorts.
Do you ever get tired and cranky? I had no idea how tired I could feel until I found myself fighting iron deficiency anemia. Feeling tired has taken on a whole new meaning for me. Poor Elijah! He had been fighting the good fight for a long time. He had gotten to the place where he believed he was the only one out there on the battle ground. Desperate for a little rest and revelation, he headed into the desert alone to pour out his soul to God. He was so tired that he just wanted to die. His pitiful prayer sounds very familiar to me. Dear Lord, I am no better off than my family. I have had enough of this life. Just let me die right here, Lord. I am so very done. Have you ever feel so tired that you were more than ready to pack it all in and give up?
God visited an exhausted prophet that day in the desert. Surprisingly, the Lord did not reveal himself in the large catastrophic events of an earthquake, tornado or fire. Elijah recognized the presence of God in the sound of a gentle whisper. How does God speak to you? I hear His voice as I read and study His Word each day. Sometimes, I can feel His amazing touch when I’m on my knees in prayer. The one place where the Lord chooses to reveal Himself to me is when I’m resting. There are times when I will hear Him speak to my heart through a dream, as I lay in the sleepy haze of an early morning encounter. He wakes me up each day as I stumble to the study with my Bible and a bottle of water in hand. Isn’t it amazing that we look for God to reveal himself in miraculous, life-changing moments, and yet, He comes to us in whispers in the quiet, peaceful moments of our life. Elijah needed some tender loving care, and when he cried out in utter despair, the Lord showed up in the quiet and stillness of rest.
Are you looking for a little revelation to help you get through this day? Stop. Take time to put your feet up. Grab your Bible and ask the Lord to speak to your heart. He will give you perfect peace, when you focus your whole heart and mind on Him.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: the Lord to reveal Himself to you in the moments of divine rest. His revelation is all you need to get your percolator perking again! He’s better than the strongest cup of coffee, sweeter than that jelly donut you just consumed, and His love in your life will last forever. Hang on baby. There is revelation is rest, when you let the Lord of life hold your heart.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Telling it like it is
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 17, 18; Psalms 68, 69
I Kings 17:22-24 (NIV)
22 The Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life returned to him, and he lived. 23 Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, “Look, your son is alive.” 24 Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth.”
Proverbs 16:13 (The Message)
Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisors who tell them the truth.
Psalm 68:19-20 (NIV)
19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. 20 Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.
Good morning!
Have you ever seen the face of someone just seconds after they gave their heart to the Lord? Talk about a holy moment! When a person realizes that Jesus is the only way to everlasting life and they choose to place their complete trust in His mercy and grace, it is as if they have literally risen up from the dead. When Elijah prayed over the widow’s son, God heard his cries for help, and restored the young boy’s life. He lives! He was once dead, and now he is alive again! Elijah returned the boy into the arms of his loving mother. With spirit eyes, she recognized that Elijah was truly a man after God’s own heart, and she spoke words of truth to him, as she cradled her precious son in her arms once again.
Every morning when you enter into prayer over the life of a not-yet believer, God hears your cries for help and He sends in the Calvary - literally! Jesus Christ shows up in the most unusual places and at the strangest times, and yet, His appearing and timing are always perfect. We release our prayers of intercession before the throne of God, covered by the righteousness of Christ. The Father hears our pleas for help and sees the longing of our heart’s song. How we want to extend the message of salvation to the ones who do not yet know Him. How can we reach them? Dear Father, show me what to say – please give me your words – help me to love your children the way you do. Oh Lord, we know our words will fail us and sometimes, our sorry behavior will turn others away. Forgive us when we fail, but please do not let this person die in their sin because we did not make the effort to share the love of Jesus with them. We know in our hearts that when your Son shows up, everything changes. He has changed my heart forever! Now, it is my humble prayer to tell the nations about the Lord. Death can forever be wiped away today in your everlasting arms. If you send me, I will go. I will speak your Word to them. I will extend a loving hand, and an open and caring heart. I will pray for them without ceasing, trusting in your perfect way. I will not give up. I will not be silenced. More than anything else, I want to offer the grace and mercy that you have given me to your children around the world today.
A humble prayer prayed in faith works each and every time. I am living proof that prayer works. Someone prayed for me a long time ago and that prayer has set my heart on fire for Jesus. When you offer your prayer in faith today, remember Elijah and the prayer he offered for the son who was once dead, and is now alive! Have you ever seen the face of someone who has crossed over from death into new life? It is an amazing thing. May the Lord give you the grace and desire to tell it like it is today, as you seek to spread the Gospel message in your community. Who do you know who does not yet know the Lord?
It all begins with a prayer prayed in faith.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: courage and determination to tell it like it is. People recognize the truth when they hear it, and they will respect you for sharing your faith with them. Pray for the Calvary to come! He will be there, giving you whatever you need to extend new and everlasting life to the precious ones who are dying today.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 17, 18; Psalms 68, 69
I Kings 17:22-24 (NIV)
22 The Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life returned to him, and he lived. 23 Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, “Look, your son is alive.” 24 Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth.”
Proverbs 16:13 (The Message)
Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisors who tell them the truth.
Psalm 68:19-20 (NIV)
19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. 20 Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.
Good morning!
Have you ever seen the face of someone just seconds after they gave their heart to the Lord? Talk about a holy moment! When a person realizes that Jesus is the only way to everlasting life and they choose to place their complete trust in His mercy and grace, it is as if they have literally risen up from the dead. When Elijah prayed over the widow’s son, God heard his cries for help, and restored the young boy’s life. He lives! He was once dead, and now he is alive again! Elijah returned the boy into the arms of his loving mother. With spirit eyes, she recognized that Elijah was truly a man after God’s own heart, and she spoke words of truth to him, as she cradled her precious son in her arms once again.
Every morning when you enter into prayer over the life of a not-yet believer, God hears your cries for help and He sends in the Calvary - literally! Jesus Christ shows up in the most unusual places and at the strangest times, and yet, His appearing and timing are always perfect. We release our prayers of intercession before the throne of God, covered by the righteousness of Christ. The Father hears our pleas for help and sees the longing of our heart’s song. How we want to extend the message of salvation to the ones who do not yet know Him. How can we reach them? Dear Father, show me what to say – please give me your words – help me to love your children the way you do. Oh Lord, we know our words will fail us and sometimes, our sorry behavior will turn others away. Forgive us when we fail, but please do not let this person die in their sin because we did not make the effort to share the love of Jesus with them. We know in our hearts that when your Son shows up, everything changes. He has changed my heart forever! Now, it is my humble prayer to tell the nations about the Lord. Death can forever be wiped away today in your everlasting arms. If you send me, I will go. I will speak your Word to them. I will extend a loving hand, and an open and caring heart. I will pray for them without ceasing, trusting in your perfect way. I will not give up. I will not be silenced. More than anything else, I want to offer the grace and mercy that you have given me to your children around the world today.
A humble prayer prayed in faith works each and every time. I am living proof that prayer works. Someone prayed for me a long time ago and that prayer has set my heart on fire for Jesus. When you offer your prayer in faith today, remember Elijah and the prayer he offered for the son who was once dead, and is now alive! Have you ever seen the face of someone who has crossed over from death into new life? It is an amazing thing. May the Lord give you the grace and desire to tell it like it is today, as you seek to spread the Gospel message in your community. Who do you know who does not yet know the Lord?
It all begins with a prayer prayed in faith.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: courage and determination to tell it like it is. People recognize the truth when they hear it, and they will respect you for sharing your faith with them. Pray for the Calvary to come! He will be there, giving you whatever you need to extend new and everlasting life to the precious ones who are dying today.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Worthless Idols
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 15, 16; Psalm 67
I Kings 16:12-13 (NIV)
12 So Zimri destroyed the whole family of Baasha, in accordance with the word of the Lord spoken against Baasha through the prophet Jehu – because of all the sins Baasha and hi son Elah had committed and caused Israel to commit, so that they provoked the Lord, the God of Israel, to anger by their worthless idols.
I Kings 16:26 (NIV)
26 [Omri] walked in all the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat and in his sin, which he had caused Israel to commit, so that they provoked the Lord, the God of Israel, to anger by their worthless idols.
Isaiah 44:9-10 (NIV)
9 All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame. 10 Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit him nothing?
Good morning!
Throughout scripture, we read about the hand-crafted idols of evil leaders who turned their eyes away from the Lord and focused on their own selfish whit and whim. Tangible, physical, touchable objects were worshiped and glorified. What idols could provoke the wrath of God? Lost souls who had forgotten the main thing, turned to solid gold calves, Asherah poles, and material wealth to satisfy their thirst for power, pleasure, praise and popularity. What idols are you carrying in your back pocket today? Is there something in your life that has become much more important to you than God?
Earthly treasures can take on various shapes in our mind’s eye. We place value on our ability to make things happen. Maybe you find self-satisfaction in your climb up the corporate ladder. Your blood, sweat and tears are invested in the work you do each day. There is nothing more important than moving up, expanding your name and title within the company you have helped build. The Lord gives each of us an intellect and desire to contribute to the world around us. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do your best. The question we need to constantly ask is whether we are working to please ourselves, or whether we are working to bring praise and honor and glory to the Lord. Are you serving yourself today, or are you serving God?
Isn’t it wonderful to feel appreciated? I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t enjoy a little praise now and then. Praise can be like a double-edged sword – sometimes we impale ourselves on the sharp edge of selfish ambition and personal gain. We find ourselves falling into the trap of works righteousness. It is hard to climb out of that pit, without help from above. We crave recognition for the things we do and the more we receive it, the more of it we want. How important is it to you for people to recognize your name? Popularity contests can only take us so far in this world. We watch with horror as our Hollywood elite lose their lives every day over their need to be recognized. How many women have lost their life to anorexia and/or bulimia because they could not accept physical imperfections? How many young men die trying to meet the impossible expectations of their parents? How far are you willing to climb? Who would you gladly step on to get to the next level?
Idols come in many forms. There are a lot of people out there doing some really good things. You may be one of them. Ask yourself this question today: who am I serving? Are my motives pure? Is it possible to find true happiness and peace in the things of this world?
The Lord God Almighty wants our undivided attention. He is worthy of all praise, honor and glory. Everything we have comes from His hand. He gives every good gift. The life you live will one day be a reflection of your most precious treasure. Are you the most important thing in your life, or is the Lord, the giver of all life, your reason for living?
May we identify the worthless idols in our life and purge them today, through the cleansing blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: the ability identify and rid yourself of the things that have become idols in your life. Ask the Lord to help you place Him first in all you say and do. Let Jesus Christ become the centerpiece of your heart’s desire. When we want nothing more than to magnify the Lord, the idols that we once held dear will simply fall away. Empty your back pocket this morning. Give Jesus your whole heart.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 15, 16; Psalm 67
I Kings 16:12-13 (NIV)
12 So Zimri destroyed the whole family of Baasha, in accordance with the word of the Lord spoken against Baasha through the prophet Jehu – because of all the sins Baasha and hi son Elah had committed and caused Israel to commit, so that they provoked the Lord, the God of Israel, to anger by their worthless idols.
I Kings 16:26 (NIV)
26 [Omri] walked in all the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat and in his sin, which he had caused Israel to commit, so that they provoked the Lord, the God of Israel, to anger by their worthless idols.
Isaiah 44:9-10 (NIV)
9 All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame. 10 Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit him nothing?
Good morning!
Throughout scripture, we read about the hand-crafted idols of evil leaders who turned their eyes away from the Lord and focused on their own selfish whit and whim. Tangible, physical, touchable objects were worshiped and glorified. What idols could provoke the wrath of God? Lost souls who had forgotten the main thing, turned to solid gold calves, Asherah poles, and material wealth to satisfy their thirst for power, pleasure, praise and popularity. What idols are you carrying in your back pocket today? Is there something in your life that has become much more important to you than God?
Earthly treasures can take on various shapes in our mind’s eye. We place value on our ability to make things happen. Maybe you find self-satisfaction in your climb up the corporate ladder. Your blood, sweat and tears are invested in the work you do each day. There is nothing more important than moving up, expanding your name and title within the company you have helped build. The Lord gives each of us an intellect and desire to contribute to the world around us. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do your best. The question we need to constantly ask is whether we are working to please ourselves, or whether we are working to bring praise and honor and glory to the Lord. Are you serving yourself today, or are you serving God?
Isn’t it wonderful to feel appreciated? I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t enjoy a little praise now and then. Praise can be like a double-edged sword – sometimes we impale ourselves on the sharp edge of selfish ambition and personal gain. We find ourselves falling into the trap of works righteousness. It is hard to climb out of that pit, without help from above. We crave recognition for the things we do and the more we receive it, the more of it we want. How important is it to you for people to recognize your name? Popularity contests can only take us so far in this world. We watch with horror as our Hollywood elite lose their lives every day over their need to be recognized. How many women have lost their life to anorexia and/or bulimia because they could not accept physical imperfections? How many young men die trying to meet the impossible expectations of their parents? How far are you willing to climb? Who would you gladly step on to get to the next level?
Idols come in many forms. There are a lot of people out there doing some really good things. You may be one of them. Ask yourself this question today: who am I serving? Are my motives pure? Is it possible to find true happiness and peace in the things of this world?
The Lord God Almighty wants our undivided attention. He is worthy of all praise, honor and glory. Everything we have comes from His hand. He gives every good gift. The life you live will one day be a reflection of your most precious treasure. Are you the most important thing in your life, or is the Lord, the giver of all life, your reason for living?
May we identify the worthless idols in our life and purge them today, through the cleansing blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: the ability identify and rid yourself of the things that have become idols in your life. Ask the Lord to help you place Him first in all you say and do. Let Jesus Christ become the centerpiece of your heart’s desire. When we want nothing more than to magnify the Lord, the idols that we once held dear will simply fall away. Empty your back pocket this morning. Give Jesus your whole heart.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Follow the Leader
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 12, 13, 14
I Kings 13:6 (NIV)
6 Then the king said to the man of God, “Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.” So the man of God interceded with the Lord, and the king’s hand was restored and became as it was before.
I Kings 13:33-34 (NIV)
33 Even after this, Jeroboam did not change his evil ways, but once more appointed priests for the high places from all sorts of people. Anyone who wanted to become a priest he consecrated for the high places. 34 This was the sin of the house of Jeroboam that led to its downfall and to its destruction from the face of the earth.
Good morning!
When I was in grade school, one of our favorite games to play at recess was “Follow the Leader.” Everyone wanted to be the leader. It was fun! Being a leader meant that I could move to the front of the line and, if the game went well, everyone behind me would imitate my actions. For instance, if I chose to hop up and down on one foot, everyone behind me would do exactly the same thing. If I chose to run in a figure eight shape, my train of followers would move in the exact same direction as me. Sometimes it is hard to follow the leader when you find yourself at the end of the line. Because I’m short, I can’t always see clearly around the taller people in front of me, and so it becomes more challenging to see what is happening up ahead. How do we know which leader to follow? What happens when our vision is skewed by the things that seem to loom in front of us?
Jeroboam certainly suffered the consequences of limited vision and self-centeredness. He kept making poor choices in leadership. He was gifted in many ways, but refused to follow the Lord’s instruction. Instead, Jeroboam did his best to mold God into a shape that he liked. How often do we try to make God fit into our life instead of purposefully longing for His will? We think our way is better. We don’t really want to try to follow what God tells us to because, after all, His Word makes most of us really uncomfortable. If we can just tweak it a bit here and there, so that it is more palatable to our taste, we just know God will agree with our philosophy and follow in step behind us. Can anyone define the word idolatry?
Jeroboam did not like the man of God who had been sent to him at Bethel, while he was trying to make his sacred offering to the Lord. He did not want to hear the prophetic word of this humble man of God. In an attempt to silence the prophet, Jeroboam raised his hand against him, and the Lord caused the king’s hand to wither. It suddenly shriveled up to nothing and the king found his arm to be completely useless. Have you ever experienced a time when God had to get your attention through some difficulty or adversity? We get so focused on our personal agenda. Sometimes, the only way we will stop and look up is if He literally knocks us off our feet. Just as the prophet had decreed, the altar at Bethel split apart and the ashes from the burnt offerings were poured out onto the ground. With fear and trembling, Jeroboam begged the prophet to pray a prayer of intercession, that his hand might be restored. As the holy man of God interceded on the king’s behalf, the Lord healed Jeroboam’s hand.
Over and over again, we see the Lord raising up leaders that we may not agree with or choose to follow. We often tend to get in the way of the God’s master plan when we believe that our choices are way better than His. We can learn from the mistakes of Jeroboam today, as we place our faith in the only leader worth following – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: His wisdom and discernment to guide our lives every day. Give us your eyes, dear Lord, to help us see the bigger picture. Teach us how to follow your ways, even when it difficult and hard to comprehend. Be our ever-present guide as we walk along the path you’ve provided for us. May our final destination find us enveloped in your everlasting arms. Amen.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 12, 13, 14
I Kings 13:6 (NIV)
6 Then the king said to the man of God, “Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.” So the man of God interceded with the Lord, and the king’s hand was restored and became as it was before.
I Kings 13:33-34 (NIV)
33 Even after this, Jeroboam did not change his evil ways, but once more appointed priests for the high places from all sorts of people. Anyone who wanted to become a priest he consecrated for the high places. 34 This was the sin of the house of Jeroboam that led to its downfall and to its destruction from the face of the earth.
Good morning!
When I was in grade school, one of our favorite games to play at recess was “Follow the Leader.” Everyone wanted to be the leader. It was fun! Being a leader meant that I could move to the front of the line and, if the game went well, everyone behind me would imitate my actions. For instance, if I chose to hop up and down on one foot, everyone behind me would do exactly the same thing. If I chose to run in a figure eight shape, my train of followers would move in the exact same direction as me. Sometimes it is hard to follow the leader when you find yourself at the end of the line. Because I’m short, I can’t always see clearly around the taller people in front of me, and so it becomes more challenging to see what is happening up ahead. How do we know which leader to follow? What happens when our vision is skewed by the things that seem to loom in front of us?
Jeroboam certainly suffered the consequences of limited vision and self-centeredness. He kept making poor choices in leadership. He was gifted in many ways, but refused to follow the Lord’s instruction. Instead, Jeroboam did his best to mold God into a shape that he liked. How often do we try to make God fit into our life instead of purposefully longing for His will? We think our way is better. We don’t really want to try to follow what God tells us to because, after all, His Word makes most of us really uncomfortable. If we can just tweak it a bit here and there, so that it is more palatable to our taste, we just know God will agree with our philosophy and follow in step behind us. Can anyone define the word idolatry?
Jeroboam did not like the man of God who had been sent to him at Bethel, while he was trying to make his sacred offering to the Lord. He did not want to hear the prophetic word of this humble man of God. In an attempt to silence the prophet, Jeroboam raised his hand against him, and the Lord caused the king’s hand to wither. It suddenly shriveled up to nothing and the king found his arm to be completely useless. Have you ever experienced a time when God had to get your attention through some difficulty or adversity? We get so focused on our personal agenda. Sometimes, the only way we will stop and look up is if He literally knocks us off our feet. Just as the prophet had decreed, the altar at Bethel split apart and the ashes from the burnt offerings were poured out onto the ground. With fear and trembling, Jeroboam begged the prophet to pray a prayer of intercession, that his hand might be restored. As the holy man of God interceded on the king’s behalf, the Lord healed Jeroboam’s hand.
Over and over again, we see the Lord raising up leaders that we may not agree with or choose to follow. We often tend to get in the way of the God’s master plan when we believe that our choices are way better than His. We can learn from the mistakes of Jeroboam today, as we place our faith in the only leader worth following – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: His wisdom and discernment to guide our lives every day. Give us your eyes, dear Lord, to help us see the bigger picture. Teach us how to follow your ways, even when it difficult and hard to comprehend. Be our ever-present guide as we walk along the path you’ve provided for us. May our final destination find us enveloped in your everlasting arms. Amen.
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Rejected or accepted?
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 10, 11; Psalm 66
Psalm 66:16-20 (NIV)
16 Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.
17 I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue.
18 If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;
19 but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.
20 Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!
Good morning!
Have you ever experienced a moment in time when you knew without a doubt that you were standing on holy ground? This is how I feel every single time I complete a course of study with the Missouri Area School of Lay Speaking offered through the Gateway Regional District of the United Methodist Church. Offered twice a year, these Saturday classes are jam-packed with helpful resource information and networking tools that I can use within my local church. I enjoy reading the training materials and books prior to each class. Our facilitators are extraordinary people who feel called by the Lord to share their faith and vision with all of us. They willingly offer their time and talent to creating a safe environment where everyone is welcome to come, listen and share. When attending a Lay Speaking event, one may expect to hear many fascinating stories of God’s call. Every person there has a unique story to tell. We serve an awesome Lord. He reaches out and captures our hearts in the most amazing ways.
Do you remember what it felt like the very first time you knew for certain that God loved you? Maybe you experienced that love as a young child, sitting in a Sunday school class listening to your teacher telling the story of Jesus. Maybe you have been a church-going member for years; you grew up in the church where you now attend faithfully every week. You’ve sat on the same pew with your grandparents and parents for years. Now, you bring your children there to experience a taste of sweet fellowship in the Christ community you call home. Or maybe you left the local church when you graduated from high school, went off to college. Suddenly, you found yourself missing that one special place where you could go and experience the warmth and love of Christ through the expressions of faith offered by a welcoming fellowship of believers. Maybe you’ve never been to church. Still, you know without a doubt that the Lord of life reached out to you and took hold of your heart when you least expected it. Amazing love is hard to describe, especially when it seems so undeserved.
It had been a long day and I was exhausted. Sitting on the sofa next to my husband, we began to share some poignant moments of our day. I didn’t think my evening could get any better. As we flipped the channels on the television set, we stumbled upon a holy moment unfolding at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. Pastor Robert Schuller had invited Robert “Evel” Knievel to share his story of conversion to Christianity. I had not seen this man on television for many years. He is an icon in the motorcycle hall of fame. Knievel’s body bears the scars and reminders of a life lived on the edge. A true daredevil, this motorcycle enthusiast was determined to make the impossible happen. There was not a motorcycle challenge this man would not attempt. It’s amazing that he had survived every accident - he recovered from broken bones, concussions, internal bleeding and traumatic injuries he suffered because of his insatiable passion for the thrill of it all. It was obvious that Knievel was struggling to breathe. Suffering from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, he gasped for breath to verbalize the changes that had occurred in his life. This frail shell of a man began to tell how the life he had lived never satisfied the hole in his soul. He had placed his faith in the things of life that were sure to fail him. Knievel did not know why Jesus Christ would choose to die to redeem him from the sins of his past, but he knew that his family and friends had been been praying for him for years to receive eternal salvation. With tears streaming down his face, Knievel described how the Lord had come into his heart and had completely washed away his sin. He had to tell somebody! He had to tell everybody! Knievel was determined to find a way to tell the world what the cleansing blood of Jesus had done for him. Pastor Schuller baptized this humble heart before thousands of weeping people. It was a good thing I had a box of Kleenex left in my back pack from the Lay Speaking event, because I wasn’t finished crying tears of joy. After he gave his testimony, Pastor invited those who wanted to publicly profess their faith in Christ by receiving the gift of holy baptism to come forward. There was no sermon spoken in that sanctuary. The living sermon was seen on the tear streaked faces of the roughly four hundred people who gave their life to Jesus as a direct result of this amazing testimony of faith.
Come and listen, all you who fear God. Let me tell you what He has done for me. I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God heard my prayer. Praise be to Him – who did not reject my prayer or withhold His amazing love from me! Do you remember what it felt like to know without a doubt that you were saved by the blood of the Lamb? My friend, it is never too late to share your conversion story with others. And we do not know whose life might be touched because we are willing to expose a tender piece of our heart with the people around us.
If you do not know my Jesus today, He is waiting for you to cry out to Him. Jesus is the one who can save! He can begin a new work in you right now, if you are willing to place your faith in Him. This is what it means to be free – to be truly accepted. He will not reject a sincere and humble heart. Let the Lord of life begin to create new life within your heart today.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: faith to trust Jesus Christ completely! No matter where you’ve been, He is waiting for you to call upon His name. Jesus will not reject a sincere and humble heart. If you believe He is the only Son of the living God, who died to save you from your sin and redeem you for everlasting life, confess it with your lips and experience new life today! Do you know what it feels like to be truly accepted and loved?
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: I Kings 10, 11; Psalm 66
Psalm 66:16-20 (NIV)
16 Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.
17 I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue.
18 If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;
19 but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.
20 Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!
Good morning!
Have you ever experienced a moment in time when you knew without a doubt that you were standing on holy ground? This is how I feel every single time I complete a course of study with the Missouri Area School of Lay Speaking offered through the Gateway Regional District of the United Methodist Church. Offered twice a year, these Saturday classes are jam-packed with helpful resource information and networking tools that I can use within my local church. I enjoy reading the training materials and books prior to each class. Our facilitators are extraordinary people who feel called by the Lord to share their faith and vision with all of us. They willingly offer their time and talent to creating a safe environment where everyone is welcome to come, listen and share. When attending a Lay Speaking event, one may expect to hear many fascinating stories of God’s call. Every person there has a unique story to tell. We serve an awesome Lord. He reaches out and captures our hearts in the most amazing ways.
Do you remember what it felt like the very first time you knew for certain that God loved you? Maybe you experienced that love as a young child, sitting in a Sunday school class listening to your teacher telling the story of Jesus. Maybe you have been a church-going member for years; you grew up in the church where you now attend faithfully every week. You’ve sat on the same pew with your grandparents and parents for years. Now, you bring your children there to experience a taste of sweet fellowship in the Christ community you call home. Or maybe you left the local church when you graduated from high school, went off to college. Suddenly, you found yourself missing that one special place where you could go and experience the warmth and love of Christ through the expressions of faith offered by a welcoming fellowship of believers. Maybe you’ve never been to church. Still, you know without a doubt that the Lord of life reached out to you and took hold of your heart when you least expected it. Amazing love is hard to describe, especially when it seems so undeserved.
It had been a long day and I was exhausted. Sitting on the sofa next to my husband, we began to share some poignant moments of our day. I didn’t think my evening could get any better. As we flipped the channels on the television set, we stumbled upon a holy moment unfolding at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. Pastor Robert Schuller had invited Robert “Evel” Knievel to share his story of conversion to Christianity. I had not seen this man on television for many years. He is an icon in the motorcycle hall of fame. Knievel’s body bears the scars and reminders of a life lived on the edge. A true daredevil, this motorcycle enthusiast was determined to make the impossible happen. There was not a motorcycle challenge this man would not attempt. It’s amazing that he had survived every accident - he recovered from broken bones, concussions, internal bleeding and traumatic injuries he suffered because of his insatiable passion for the thrill of it all. It was obvious that Knievel was struggling to breathe. Suffering from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, he gasped for breath to verbalize the changes that had occurred in his life. This frail shell of a man began to tell how the life he had lived never satisfied the hole in his soul. He had placed his faith in the things of life that were sure to fail him. Knievel did not know why Jesus Christ would choose to die to redeem him from the sins of his past, but he knew that his family and friends had been been praying for him for years to receive eternal salvation. With tears streaming down his face, Knievel described how the Lord had come into his heart and had completely washed away his sin. He had to tell somebody! He had to tell everybody! Knievel was determined to find a way to tell the world what the cleansing blood of Jesus had done for him. Pastor Schuller baptized this humble heart before thousands of weeping people. It was a good thing I had a box of Kleenex left in my back pack from the Lay Speaking event, because I wasn’t finished crying tears of joy. After he gave his testimony, Pastor invited those who wanted to publicly profess their faith in Christ by receiving the gift of holy baptism to come forward. There was no sermon spoken in that sanctuary. The living sermon was seen on the tear streaked faces of the roughly four hundred people who gave their life to Jesus as a direct result of this amazing testimony of faith.
Come and listen, all you who fear God. Let me tell you what He has done for me. I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God heard my prayer. Praise be to Him – who did not reject my prayer or withhold His amazing love from me! Do you remember what it felt like to know without a doubt that you were saved by the blood of the Lamb? My friend, it is never too late to share your conversion story with others. And we do not know whose life might be touched because we are willing to expose a tender piece of our heart with the people around us.
If you do not know my Jesus today, He is waiting for you to cry out to Him. Jesus is the one who can save! He can begin a new work in you right now, if you are willing to place your faith in Him. This is what it means to be free – to be truly accepted. He will not reject a sincere and humble heart. Let the Lord of life begin to create new life within your heart today.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: faith to trust Jesus Christ completely! No matter where you’ve been, He is waiting for you to call upon His name. Jesus will not reject a sincere and humble heart. If you believe He is the only Son of the living God, who died to save you from your sin and redeem you for everlasting life, confess it with your lips and experience new life today! Do you know what it feels like to be truly accepted and loved?
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.
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