Thursday, September 18, 2008

Faithful in persecution

Today’s Reading: John 16:1-2 (NIV)

1 [Jesus said,] “All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.

Good morning!

When Jesus spoke these important words to His disciples, they probably didn’t fully grasp the implications and consequences of accepting Jesus as Meshuah, their long-awaited Savior. How these words have proven themselves over and over again throughout world history. How many thousands of believers have died in 2008, simply because they profess that Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?

Just last month in Mexico, a mother, father and child were brutally killed by their next-door neighbor, convinced that his young daughter’s ailment was the result of Christian faith and practice, comparing its beliefs to the practice of witchcraft. In Saudi Arabia, a young woman is murdered by her brother, a Muslim cleric, for sharing her faith in Jesus Christ. Religious persecution continues to devastate Christian believers in India, after the recent assassination of a prominent Hindu World Council leader. The Christian community has been targeted for this crime, and, as a result, Christian churches and orphanages, the elderly, young women and children are being murdered. If you want to learn more about religious persecution happening around the world today, go to

Shortly after Jesus’ crucifixion in Jerusalem, Saul of Tarsus began persecuting Christians by order of the High Priest. He stopped at nothing to hunt down and kill new Christian converts and their families. Saul was convinced that he was doing the right thing. It took a holy encounter with the risen Christ, before Saul’s eyes were opened to the Truth.

I have not personally experienced the extreme religious persecution of many of my Christian brothers and sisters around the world; yet, I daily grieve for the deceased and their families, asking the Father to restore His peace to our broken and fragmented world. American citizens have held firm to its First Amendment rights in freedom of religion, established by the US Constitution in 1787. It has become very clear to me that our religious freedoms have never been free. We continue to pay a price for our freedom to choose.

A burning question rises up from the pit of my belly this morning, as I ask myself this pointed question: Would I profess faith in Jesus Christ if I knew that my family’s lives were in imminent danger? Jesus gave us fair warning so that we should not fall away but remain faithful, even to death. This morning, I pray that I may be found a faithful follower, holding firm to His Word, especially in times of persecution.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.

Testify to love

Today’s Reading: John 15:26-27 (NIV)

26 [Jesus said,] “When the counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, He will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.’

Good morning!

Imagine that when you opened this email message today, that you were issued a subpoena to give your personal testimony on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. What you say about the One who saves you? What life examples could you offer to defend Christ’s sovereignty to the world? Is there some irrefutable evidence that may persuade a judge and jury to hear the truth and act upon it? People’s lives depend upon your testimony. This is serious stuff and most folks don’t take it nearly as seriously as they should.

We romanticize the courtroom with the help of many popular television shows and movies. We listen to the well-written arguments offered by our favorite actors who portray the winning legal team, and we somehow equivocate this to reality. While there may be some similarities, one must actually experience what it is like to take the stand and give oral testimony in order to grasp the importance of this responsibility. Testifying to the Truth is the most important witness we will ever offer to the world today.

Several years ago, I was asked to give verbal testimony at trial on behalf of someone I love. At first, this responsibility seemed too hard, and I wanted to run from it. There were important points that needed to be made and my personal witness was critical to the outcome of this trial. Spoken words do not come easily for me, even though it may appear so on the printed page. I must have felt a little like Moses, when he needed his brother Aaron to speak to the Pharaoh on his behalf. I knew I needed heavenly help to speak the truth in love, with conviction, clarity and authority. I wanted someone greater than myself to intervene. The Lord has never left me alone and He will never forsake me. I have His Word on it. Jesus Christ presents His case through His compelling life’s witness. As promised, Jesus sent me His Counselor, straight from the Father’s heart to mine; He is the Spirit of all Truth and the living testimony by which I stand. When we willing to allow God’s voice to speak through us, especially when it is hard, the testimony which has stood for all generations, will be heard, interpreted and acted upon, even in our world today.

Christ calls us to testify on His behalf, from the moment we awake until we lay our heads back on the pillow at night. The things we say and do are our living testimony to the Truth. Standing up for Jesus may be the hardest, most difficult thing you have ever done. If you struggle with words and actions like I do, then I have some great news to share! We do not have to give our witness alone, and we shouldn’t try to do it by ourselves. Christ has promised us the help of His perfect counselor, the Spirit of all Truth, who will speak, help and guide us as we testify to Love.

It is time for you to take a stand and offer your personal testimony for Jesus Christ. Are you ready?

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hate, without reason

Today’s Reading: John 15:24-25 (NIV)

24 [Jesus said,] “If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law, ‘They hated me without reason.’

Good morning!

I’ve decided it is much easier to hate than to love. Expressing my passion has never been a problem for me; I learned how to convey my likes and dislikes quite well, even as a young child. My mother tells me that I was not a picky eater, but I did not hesitate to share when I didn’t care for a particular food. I learned to spit my carrots and beets at her from the high chair, and I must have had pretty good aim since she lost several of her favorite shirts as flying vegetables permanently stained her clothing.

We often choose to hate the things we do not understand. Have you ever prejudged someone, not really knowing their particular circumstance? I was pretty good at this in school. I had my preferred teachers, and made up my mind after only one or two classes which instructors I might try to avoid. It may have had something to do with their physical presentation, how they dressed, what they said, or even their demeanor. Sometimes I allowed another student’s opinion to persuade me not to even give that teacher a chance to win my favor. I’m probably the only one who has ever done this, but have you ever formed a strong opinion based upon someone else’s opinion, rather than taking the time to gather all the facts and weigh it for yourself?

We do not know whether the teacher who comes to class in a wrinkled shirt, jacket and pants did not sleep in his automobile the night before because the bank just foreclosed on his home. We do not know whether the supervisor who constantly snaps at everyone around her today has not come from an extremely trying family situation. There are so many things that we do not know, and yet, we base our opinions and share our passions about others without having all the facts first. We choose to hate or to love. For some, there is no in-between, only black and white; no room for even a little bit of gray.

Maybe I’m not so different from the people who lived with Christ. Jesus said that even the miracles He offered through the Father were hated by the ones who did not understand. They refused to open their hearts to the truth, even when the truth stood right in front of them. These people chose to hate without reason, for it is far easier to hate something they could not understand.

Have you ever hated your neighbor? Jesus said, “For inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to me.” Father, forgive us for relying on misinformation and conjecture. Help us move beyond the passion of mere feelings and choose to really love each other, especially when it is not our first choice. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Top 5

Today’s Reading: John 15:23 (NIV)

23 [Jesus said,] “He who hates me hates my Father as well.

Good morning!

How do we hate God? I’ve been asking myself this question for awhile now. The Lord has been speaking through the pastors’ Sunday messages on prayer, and yesterday, during the rain storm, the answer became very clear to my heart. We may say we love Jesus, but it is only through obedience that we demonstrate real love for our Lord. How do I convey real love to the One who saves me? I believe that the opposite of hate is obedience through Christ-like love.

One of my favorite television game shows is Family Feud. I like watching how different family members would answer a “top five” question, just to see if their choices were in agreement with each other and the results of the popular poll. I began to make a list of the top five things I would give back to God. I wonder if your list will match mine:

  1. The first ten minutes of each new morning, spent in prayer, thanking Jesus for saving me and giving me yet another day to serve and love Him by loving the ones He has placed in my path.

  1. The first ten percent of my income, as a love offering to the Lord. There is a lot of need today, and if every human heart would willingly and joyfully share the first fruits of our monetary income, together we could make an amazing difference in our world.

  1. A tenth of my week wholly devoted to helping someone else. I’ve been given twenty-four hours a day, one hundred sixty eight hours each week to live. If I willingly donated 16.8 hours to someone else, by investing in relationships, providing for needs, and simply being a good neighbor and friend, the quality of our lives together would be enriched immeasurably.

  1. Setting aside the first day of each week to worship and honor the Lord with my life. Starting each new week by celebrating Christ’s love in community is one of the greatest blessings we have received. Don’t miss out on a minute of it!

And the number one answer is:

  1. A tenth of each day spent in prayer and Bible study. How will I know what the Father wants me to do if I don’t take time to read His Book? In one 24-hour period, how much time do I waste on the unnecessary? Can I not find 2 hours to spend with the Lord?

What is your top 5? Remembering that all we have and all that we are is an undeserved, unmerited gift of favor from the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. Do you love God? How will you choose to express your love for Him?

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.