Friday, July 24, 2009


Today’s Reading: Acts 4:14 (NIV)

14 But since they could see the man who had been healed standing there with them, there was nothing they could say.

Good morning!

Nine years ago today, when I held my first grandchild, Jett James, in my arms, there were simply no words to describe what I felt inside. He was pink skinned and flushed from his very first bath, tipping the scales at eight pounds two ounces and twenty-one inches long. That boy had the longest fingers and toes I have ever seen on such a wee one. When the Father dazzles us with His amazing, miraculous love, we become speechless in His presence!

One year ago today, my friend Meredith exhaled her last breath on earth and the very first breath of new life with the Lord. How do we gracefully let go of the precious ones God has placed in our path for a season? There were no words to describe the utter grief I felt in losing a friend so dear, and yet, I knew where she was, and one day, I will join her there, praising the Lord together inside the heavenly gates. There are simply no words to convey what that amazing moment will be like, the day when my faith becomes sight.

I was absolutely ecstatic this week, after having my second eye examination following lasik surgery. I am now seeing 20/15 in both eyes, for the first time without the assistance of corrective lenses. It has only been a few short months since I had this procedure; what a miraculous gift it is to be able to see clearly! When I awake every morning, the first thing I see is the alarm clock perched atop our night stand. I can read the numbers clearly now, without having to squint or grab a pair of eye glasses to double check the time.

The Sanhedrin was having a tough time understanding what actually had happened in the courtyard that day. Peter and John were standing there, next to the man who had been instantaneously healed. They spoke about the risen Christ, who continues to heal people even today! There was absolutely nothing they could say to dispute it. Isn’t it funny how the Truth tends to reveal itself as we realize just how far Jesus had to reach just to grab our hearts, heal and redeem. There are no human words to express our gratitude and love for Him!

Do not miss out on your miracle today! Allow the Lord Jesus Christ to leave you speechless, as you kneel in the presence of His awesome wonder and power. It is only in the experiences of birth, rebirth, and the gift of a brand new life that we begin to perceive His saving power. What more can I say?

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Taking note

Today’s Reading: Acts 4:13 (NIV)

13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

Good morning!

I was frightened the first time I was asked to teach a Sunday school class. Because my husband was a history major in college and a seminary graduate, I compared his vast Bible knowledge and gifts in public speaking to my high school diploma. I wondered whether I might have something of value to offer new Christians who were coming to learn. I hesitated to accept the invitation. There was an urgent need to find a teacher willing to lead. My comfort level was in teaching children, since I spent time with my own children, sharing Bible stories and singing praises together. This new adult class was intended to offer new members and prospective folks an opportunity for fellowship and to dig deep into the Word on a weekly basis. Was I the right person to lead this class?

I decided if I were going to facilitate an adult Bible study, I needed to take note of some of the teachers in my life. I paid especially close attention to other adult Sunday school teachers. Many of them had been teaching forever. I thought about Miss Myrtie, and her spiritual gift mix. She must have started leading adult Sunday school as a young woman. The folks in her class were faithful fans of the Word and their teacher, and they never missed a Sunday. When I get to heaven, I plan to find Miss Myrtie and thank her for serving the Lord with her life!

I learned about prayer by observing Miss Vista, as she interceded daily for the needs of others. Now here was a woman who was called to a life of prayer. When she would walk into church, her face would reflect His heavenly glow; it is a peace that comes from having a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus. She was a tiny little thing, frail in stature; yet, very strong in spirit. When she prayed those power packed prayers in UMW circle meetings, the floor would shake underneath our feet. In the still quiet of a sleepless night, I knew exactly where Miss Vista was - on her knees praying for me.

I realized that the many teachers placed in my life all shared one similar gift. It happens when we choose to make Jesus our first priority. He alone has the power to take a willing heart and fill it up with His purpose. We hear Him speaking as we study the Word, receiving His wisdom and holy instruction through prayer. Christ Are you willing to listen and obey His Word today? We have been given the Holy Spirit power to equip us in aceepting the invitation to serve in teaching, preaching and praying ministries. Following His lead will help us lead others. changes us from the inside out.

Peter and John were uneducated, ordinary men. Jesus saw something extraordinary in them, when He said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” When we choose to follow the risen Christ, our lives are going to change!

I love to hear the testimonies of ordinary men and women who walk with Jesus every day. This is one reason I enjoy participating in Lay Speaking Ministries offered through the United Methodist Church. Every time I attend a weekend course of study, I get to hear life-changing stories and experience the risen Christ through others. Lay Speaking Ministries is not just for folks who feel called to preach. This course curriculum trains people to share their faith gifts in many ways. If you have never attended a Lay Speaking class before, I would strongly encourage you to enroll for the next class offered in your area. You can learn more about opportunities offered through Lay Speaking Ministries of the United Methodist Church by asking your pastor, and checking out this website:

Have you taken note of the leaders Christ has placed in your life? He is looking for ordinary people to reach out and share His Gospel message with the world. Do not be afraid to take this first step of faith. Christ will send His Holy Spirit help to give you whatever you need to share your gifts with the people in your life. Now get out there and make a difference for His kingdom today, in Jesus’ name.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The capstone

Today’s Reading: Acts 4:11-12 (NIV)

[Peter said,] 11 “He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone. 12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to me by which we must be saved.”

Good morning!

There was no cool breeze under the hot summer sun, the day we sifted sand for the mortar used to erect a 12’x14’ concrete block home for the Jose Cortez family in Rio Bravo, Mexico. Christian volunteers and from Salem, Cherryville and Edgar Springs, Missouri, offered a helping hand and came to share the Gospel of Christ through hard work and open hearts with the people who lived in this neighborhood. The living environment and community culture was vastly different from anything I had ever experienced. Many of the families lived day to day in extreme poverty, struggling to have life’s essentials. Their housing consisted of makeshift walls of cardboard and blankets, tin roofs, and dirt floors. Small homes were going up all over the place, being built by Volunteer in Missions teams from around the world. Their hope was to provide much-needed shelter for the families who lived there.

It has been ten years since I visited Rio Bravo. The photographs and journal entries I kept throughout the trip bring back vivid memories. I did not speak fluent Spanish, and was grateful for two of our volunteers, Angel and Holly, who helped bridge the language barrier. We led a Vacation Bible School for the children. I will never forget their bright, smiling faces. The mothers stayed with their children and helped design t-shirts, using puff paints and dye. The wee ones loved to sing and dance, and we played “Hokey Pokey” more times that week than I had played my entire life.

It was a holy moment when the roof was raised over the Cortez home. Our work was complete and it was now time to leave. The family and all of the volunteers gathered inside the home to seal its foundation in prayer. Pastor Don prayed that this family would be kept forever safe in the power and presence of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. As he spoke, his words were being translated into Spanish, so that the family could hear and participate in the blessing of their home. Every time Pastor Don spoke the name of Jesus Christ out loud, I remember a cool breeze flowing in and out of the two open windows and doorway. There was no doubt in my mind from where the wind was coming. It is the cool breath of the Holy Spirit, responding to the name of Jesus, as it pours out new hope, new life. Even ten years later, when I close my eyes and remember, I can still taste His breath of fresh air.

The spiritual capstone of the Cortez home was firmly placed in the name of Jesus. It is in His name alone that we receive everlasting life. Jesus Christ is the only One who saves. No matter where you live, you can have that same holy capstone in your home today. Offer your living space up to the Lord Jesus Christ right now. Give Him your whole heart. Invite Jesus to come in and be Lord and the head of household. I can feel His cool breeze coming. Can you?

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Missing in action

Today’s Reading: Acts 4:8-10 (NIV)

8 The Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people! 9 If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed, 10 then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.”

Good morning!

Have you ever, in a moment of sheer ignorance, lost something so precious and valuable, and didn’t even realize it was gone? I had the unfortunate experience of leaving my husband’s laptop yesterday near the coffee bar where I spent time in prayer and devotion before going to breakfast. It was the last place I remember seeing it. I had packed my automobile early with the intent of helping others get their luggage loaded. The last thing I did before I left the dorm where I was staying was to take some time to study, pray and write. This is the second time in less than one month when I’ve managed to lose school work. Inside the computer bag was our laptop and thumb drive. All the work I’ve completed for two classes is missing in action.

So here I sit, in a state of unbelievable shock and embarrassment, trying to figure out where my brain disconnected from the rest of my body when I literally left a very expensive and valuable piece of equipment behind. I cannot figure out how I could do such a thing! I must have really needed a cup of coffee yesterday. I was way too busy thinking about everything I was learning at the School of Lay Ministry to go over and fix a cup of coffee. Talk about being on fire – I think my brain must have burned to a crisp during this event.

I didn’t even realize the computer was gone until I unpacked the car after I returned home. I was so upset about the loss, that I was having difficulty telling Jeff about all the incredible things that I had heard and learned there. I was fully focused on that missing computer. How could I have left it there?

Peter and John boldly stood before their accusers, answering the question of the hour. By what power or what name did you heal this man? Peter didn’t even hesitate to tell them what they had seemingly missed out of sheer ignorance. Jesus Christ, the one you left hanging on a cross to die, has risen from the dead. He is the great healer! It is only by Jesus’ name that this man can now walk. You left Him hanging out there on a limb to die; now He has the power and authority to absolutely change your life from the inside out. What were you thinking?

In my life, I have seen the Lord heal things that could not have been healed any other way. He forgives the unforgivable, comforts the grieving ones, feeds the hungry, and fixes what should have been forever broken. If Jesus Christ can do all these things, then I know He can help me recover what I have lost. So I knelt down and began praying fervently for the recovery of my husband’s laptop. I think the word “stupidity” cropped up in my prayer several times, as I blurted out my confession and plea for heavenly intervention. As I was praying out loud, I heard the unmistakable voice of God speak to my heart. “Daughter, you worry so much about the “things” in your life. What about the people I have placed in your path - do you worry about them?”

Jesus Christ, son of God, stood among us in the flesh. He lived with us, taught us, and we walked away from Him, not even realizing what we had done. He died to save us, and we still have a hard time comprehending this gift of grace. He commanded that we get out there and share His saving love with all people, everywhere. I went to the desk by the refrigerator in our kitchen and pulled out our church’s membership books, and began looking at the names and faces of all who have worshipped at Faith Church in the last ten years. Some folks have passed on to glory, others have moved away. Yet, there are a significant group of people who have left our congregation; they slipped out the back door seemingly unnoticed, and I didn’t even realize they were gone. How in the world could I have not missed them?

Losing a computer out of sheer stupidity is traumatic. Losing a life and not even realizing it is just not acceptable. Father, help me seek out and reconnect with the people that you placed in my path, who have seemingly disappeared into thin air. Forgive me for being so totally focused on my own stuff that I have missed seeing what you see, as you watch the ones you love walk through the front doors of our churches and slip out the back way totally unnoticed. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ministry in motion

Today’s Reading: Acts 4:5-7 (NKJV)

5 And it came to pass, on the next day, that their rulers, elders, and scribes, 6 as well as Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John and Alexander, and as many as were of the family of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem. 7 And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, "By what power or by what name have you done this?"

Good morning!

I looked around the room yesterday and listened to the table discussions happening during the afternoon workshop at the Missouri Area School of Lay Ministries. There were holy sparks flying everywhere! I wish you could have heard some of the discussions being birthed around these tables. So many wonderful ministry ideas emerged as the laity brainstormed together on how to reach people who have not yet met the risen Lord.

Folks were up really early this morning, continuing the discussions around the coffeepot. Right now, as I'm writing, I can hear one discussion about servant evangelism, another about lighting a holy fire under the congregational pews. Someone is telling a story about a recent mission trip they took with their church, and the spiritual impact that experience had on them.

I love hearing their stories. That is one of the reasons I enjoy the School of Lay Ministries. I get to experience ministry in motion through the words and hearts of fellow laity around the state. It draws us deeper into connection, as we serve Christ in our local churches. How beautiful are the feet of those who serve Him!

Nothing happens by coincidence. I was sitting at the table with a woman who attends Liberty United Methodist Church near Kansas City. I did not know her personally, but I knew of her congregation. For the last two years, their cancer prayer team has been sending cards filled with personal, handwritten prayers and words of encouragement for my children. They have been faithful in remembering them daily in prayer. I had the opportunity to thank her for their faithfulness and perservering prayer. When I looked into this woman's face, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for her ongoing intercessory prayer ministry.

There are so many integral ways we can serve the Lord together and reach out to people in Jesus' name. There were no strangers in this room. We are all family, wrapped together in the blanket warmth of His sweet Holy Spirit.

Peter and John knew from whence their power came. Their accusers could not understand it. They were bound, but not held by the physical shackles they wore on their hands and feet. They were yoked in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, who equips all who love the Lord Jesus Christ, to accomplish His great work in the world. Sometimes, we feel shackled by the circumstances or demographics of our local churches; we get stuck in a rut of status-quo, wondering how to break out and reach out beyond our walls. We want to share the Gospel with the people God has placed in our path. Yet, the body of Christ, our community of faith, becomes an unbroken cord, stretching hands and hearts toward heaven. We find that our reach is truly limitless, every obstacle can be conquered, when we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The family of God is amazing thing. The School of Lay Ministry is quite an experience. You should come with me next time! There is a place at the table for you.

Just like Peter and John, we are better together, bound in Christ's love and filled with His Spirit of hope! May you sense the urgency we feel in our hearts today. There are people in our communities who have not yet met our risen Lord. They are searching for something more in life. We have Christ's love and salvation message to offer them. What are we waiting for?

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Holy heartburn

Today’s Reading: Acts 4:4 (NKJV)

4 However, many of those who heard the Word believed; and the number of men came to be about five thousand.

Good morning!

Would you be willing to risk your own life to see 5,000 people in your community come to a saving faith and personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? This was the hot topic of conversation last night during the opening session of the 2009 School of Lay Ministry. I am here with 120 of my United Methodist friends from around the State of Missouri, who are working through their local churches to reach people in their communities with the Gospel. There is a new great awakening being birthed around the world and we can see it growing right here in the Show Me State. Can you sense a new move of the Holy Spirit in the places where you live?

Peter and John knew before they entered the temple gates they would be risking their lives to share the Good News here. This crowd would be a difficult group to convince. Many of the men gathered were the same people that condemned Christ to death in the temple courtyard just weeks before. They did not know who Jesus really was. Peter and John’s determination to reach these folks far outweighed their fear for personal safety. They boldly proclaimed Christ’s message, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and that same Spirit gave them comfort as they waited their fate all night long in a dark Jerusalem prison cell.

While Peter and John sat in seclusion, conversions were occurring minute by minute. Folks who heard their life-saving message ran to tell others, while the Holy Spirit was moving people to give their hearts completely to Christ! Lives were being changed, almost instantaneously – a new great awakening was occurring all over the city!

Sitting in the upper room last night during the keynote presentation, I was having an attack of holy heartburn. I didn’t need an antacid to quench this fire; in fact, I wanted more of it! I looked around the room and saw Holy Spirit sparks erupting everywhere. There was a clear sense of hunger and direction being birthed. Folks were getting charged up with new ideas, new ways to reach their communities with the Gospel. The question is this: how much of ourselves are we willing to give to see this happen in our cities, states, and countries around the world?

Peter and John didn’t have internet access in the prison cell that night. They had no Blackberries® or I-Phones® to text message their friends on the outside. All they had to go on was the power of Christ’s Holy Spirit encouraging and supporting them while they waited. It was more than enough. Somehow, they knew they were doing exactly what Christ had commissioned them to do. There was no turning back.

Are you willing to trust the Holy Spirit power to lead you out into the community where you live? Wherever there are people breathing, there is a message to be proclaimed. We have a job to do right here, right now. Is Jesus calling you to be like Peter and John today?

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding