Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Day of Preparation

Today’s Reading: John 19:13-14a (NIV)

13 When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic is Gabbatha). 14 It was the day of Preparation of Passover Week, about the sixth hour.

Good morning!

Holiday gatherings are busy times. If you’ve ever hosted your family and friends for a Thanksgiving dinner, then you might imagine the flurry of activity happening in Jerusalem that day. The Passover had finally arrived – a holy day of remembrance, when God saved His people from death by the blood of the Lamb. Families had gathered; the women were working to prepare the Passover meal; sweeping their homes, and setting the dinner table. Children were playing outside, so very excited for the evening celebration to begin. And on this morning, Pilate sat down on the judge’s seat, rendering sentence over Jesus of Nazareth.

It is no mere coincidence that seven hundred and eighty years prior to this day, the prophet Isaiah stood in the city streets telling people how the Savior of the world would shed His blood for all people everywhere. The holy Lamb of God stood before the judgment seat, and the people were way too busy to recognize the King.

Our daily business often gets in the way of the things that are truly important. Impatient people were waiting for a verdict. They wanted the man from Nazareth Night was coming and many preparations had to be completed before the sun set over the city gates. The people were remembering how God had saved them from slavery. Did they know that God had come today to save them from their sins? That morning at Antonia’s tower, did they even care? crucified so they could get on with the busyness of this day.

Take time today to recognize what is truly important; let your daily routine go and stop to see your salvation! Jesus died to set us free; free from the sins that hold us captive; free from living a life in total separation from our Heavenly Father. Jesus lives! Isn’t that worth more than anything else you have to accomplish on a day like today? He is alive and well and waiting for you to see Him for who He truly is. Come to church this weekend and make time to thank the Lord.

Don’t miss out on the miracle.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cold feet

Today’s Reading: John 19:12 (NIV)

12 From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jews kept shouting, “If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.”

Good morning!

I woke up this morning with cold feet. In the wintertime especially, cold feet happens. At night, before I retire, I take a hot shower or bath to warm my feet up before I crawl under the covers. I sleep in thick socks and flannel pajamas, wrapped up in several heavy blankets and comforters. When our grandson Joshua was born prematurely six years ago, the NICU nurses at the hospital taught Rachel and Dave how to wrap their son in a “papoose” to help keep him warm when sleeping in his cradle. There are nights when I feel the need to be wrapped up just like that. Do you suffer with cold feet?

I heard God speak to me in prayer. Often, it is His still, small voice that captivates my soul as I enter into His presence each day. God is dealing with me on a matter of trust, teaching me how to lean completely upon His mercy and grace. He wants me to exercise eyes of faith rather than rely upon what I see and feel. As I waited in the dark silence today, I could hear His voice whisper over the clamor of all the interfering outside noises I deal with. Cold feet are rarely noticeable in the warmth of His love, except when I’m reluctant to trust and obey.

Has God ever called you to say or do something that you knew would bring public scrutiny and/or disapproval? Is it hard for you to do the right thing knowing you will be judged? Have you ever had a case of cold feet?

Pilate knew what He needed to do, but the clamor of the crowd and the ice-cold feeling he had in his toes kept him from doing what was right. Cold feet can interfere with our day-to-day decisions if we let it distract us. This morning, I’m choosing to ignore the fear I feel inside. My cold feet may turn to blocks of ice before this day is over, yet I have purposed in my heart to listen and obey the Word of the Lord. His love is more than enough to warm this hardened heart, and His love can restore circulation to my cold feet. His blood, shed for me, is the only cure I know for cold feet.

I trust you, dear Lord. Teach me to trust you completely today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One Step Closer

Today’s Reading: John 19:11 (NIV)

11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

Good morning!

I tasted a little bit of heaven last night as I sat in the sanctuary of the St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. Our community gathers each year to remember and celebrate the life and vision of The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. This is one of my very favorite worship services; I look forward to it every year. And what a night it was! Folks from the St. Charles community came together to listen, pray and recommit themselves to the work of justice for all people everywhere. It is a time when we celebrate the sanctity of human life, recognizing that we are all God’s children, and that makes you and me King’s kids! How we worshipped the King last night, praising and lifting Him higher. We thanked God for His gift of freedom in Christ Jesus, and the vision He gave to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. This dream has captured our hearts ever since we first heard him speak the words in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963. We sang songs telling of the trials borne by our black brothers and sisters, and for all who have been caught in the iron grip of discrimination and slavery. Christ’s love continues to melt even the hardest of hearts, and we are moving toward unity, toward His kingdom. It is nearer than ever before. Can you sense the sweet breeze of freedom swirling around you today?

I sang songs of praise with the mass community choir. Every voice is a unique gift of God. None of our voices are exactly the same. As we lift our hearts in song to the heavens, many tones become One in Him. One day soon, I will sing in that heavenly mass choir surrounded by all the generations; those who have gone on before me, and the ones whom I will leave behind. We will sing together, hand-in-hand, with one voice. His melody will be beautiful. It will be awesome! It will be the abundant life we long for. I could have stayed there and worshipped in that beautiful sanctuary with my brothers and sisters forevermore! I’m already anticipating next year’s service, when we join hands and celebrate the precious gift of community, of our diversity and in unity, all together, once again.

Jesus knew first hand what prejudice and indifference can do. He bore the physical marks of humanity’s discrimination upon His own body. He carries the hatred of the world upon His shoulders; all of us are guilty and responsible for this sin. Jesus loosed the iron grip of prejudice forever and replaced it with God’s amazing grace. We remain in His grip today.

Today, we celebrate a new day in our world. May freedom ring as we take one step closer together toward the kingdom of God.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hearing Impaired

Today’s Reading: John 19:10 (NIV)

10 “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?”

Good morning!

My mother has a very difficult time hearing over the phone. Several years ago, she received a telephone designed for the hearing impaired. Even with the volume set at the highest setting, she often cannot understand the person speaking to her at the other end of the line. When the telephone rings, it beeps and flashes at the same time, attempting to catch her attention in the room. We’ve discovered her ears work much better when her eyes can actually see the lips of the person speaking to her. My mother has become an expert lip reader!

It is tough trying to carry a conversation with Mom while driving the car. She wants me to look at her while I speak but it is often difficult, if not impossible, for me to turn to her while I am watching the roadway. Hearing aids and car noise do not seem to work well together. I think of how difficult it must be for her every day, and I am not looking forward to the day when I will struggle with the same hearing impairment. As it is now, I’m already frustrated with hearing clearly in noisy restaurants or conference rooms filled with lots of background noise. I have to work a little harder to listen to someone speaking, purposely blocking the noise in restaurants or during business meetings. One day, I may become completely dependent upon the help of a hearing device, and, as I’ve observed, it may or may not work. Because my vision is not even close to perfect, I wonder if I’ll be able to see well enough to read lips.

Obviously, Pilate was no lip reader. He wanted Jesus to say something in defense of the charges being leveled against Him. Yet, Jesus’ silence spoke louder than any verbal utterance. Pilate knew this man did not deserve crucifixion. Yet, he was too cowardly to cross the crowd and not give in to their persistent, relentless demands. Pilate was terrified he might lose face with the people, and, for him, favor in the political arena was far more important than listening to God’s Word.

We need a spiritual hearing aid today; ears that are willing to hear and understand the Word God speaks through His still, small voice. There is a lot of background static that tends to distract us from His Truth. In this culture, where we run and jump on the bandwagon of what seems to be most the most popular public opinion for the moment, we have seemingly grown spiritually deaf, unable to differentiate between right from wrong. Pilate needed a whole lot more than the power and authority he thought he held over the Master’s head; He desperately needed to hear the Master.

Father, give us spiritual ears today to fully hear and understand Your Word. Give us courageous hearts to listen and comprehend as we stand for Truth; knowing that Your Way is certainly not the way of the world. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

All rights reserved

Articles may not be printed in any “for profit” publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via e-mail, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles. Articles are sent originally to subscribers only. You may have received a forwarded or reprinted copy.