Today’s Reading: Acts 2:34-36 (NIV)
34 For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said, “’The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand 35 until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”’ 36 “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
Good morning!
Have you ever made a mistake you’ve regretted your entire life?
There is not a day that goes by when I’m not reminded what one simple word can do to totally ruin another’s life. One selfish motive leads to another. Misunderstandings and seasons of anger and unforgiveness can simmer inside like an unquenchable fire, until it simply boils over, burning all who stands in the path of destruction. It is no surprise that the sins we commit today not only affect our own lives, but the lives of those around us: our parents, spouses and children; even our grandchildren suffer from one poor choice acted out in anger.
When Jesus walked the earth in human flesh, people were watching and gossiping and trying to figure out just who He was. Some folks trusted Him wholeheartedly, believing His every Word and following Him without even the slightest hesitation. There were others who refused to listen or be convinced of anything Jesus Christ had to say. They stood in opposition to all He represented, unwilling to let go of their time-honored, theological traditions long enough to recognize that Jahweh had truly sent the Messiah, His Son, in the person of Jesus Christ. Others didn’t know for sure what to think. They heard the rumors and all the talk, and followed the crowd out of sheer curiosity, seeking some prime time entertainment. When Jesus arrived at the Passover feast on the back of a small donkey, the streets were lined with well-wishers and the curious, praising God and singing, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!” Not even a week later, the same people who had praised the Lord’s arrival were shouting in the city courtyard, “Crucify Him!” One common vote; a shift in public opinion, and one condemning word now holds each and every one of us personally responsible for the suffering and death of our Lord.
There are some mistakes we cannot forget no matter how hard we try. The Father promises His forgiveness to every broken, hurting heart who sincerely cries out to Jesus, seeking forgiveness for the wrong choices they have made in life. Even in this precious gift of forgiveness, we remember the pain that we caused with one wrong word. Without Christ’s blood, there could be no forgiveness for sin. Without Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection, the grave would be left unconquered. Without God’s amazing love for His creation and Christ’s obedient heart, we would be forever lost in sin.
Thanks be to God for the gift of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Because He lives, we can live forever in Him. One Word can heal a lifetime sin, and that Word is Jesus. Cry out to Him in faith today. His name is the one Word you will never regret saying.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding
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