Monday, May 17, 2010

Graduation day

Today’s Reading: Acts 14:26 NIV

26 From Attalia they sailed back to Antioch, where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work they had now completed.

Good morning!

I enjoy looking at all the graduation photos being posted online. Graduation Day is such a great way to celebrate the completion of many years of hard work. What an accomplishment! Congratulations to all who are receiving your diplomas and certificates of achievement! Well done!

There is nothing more affirming than completing a project, no matter how trivial that project may be. Just recently, I committed to cleaning out and reorganizing my bedroom closet. No one really knew about my cleaning expedition, until I heard my six year old granddaughter open the closet door and exclaim, “Wow Nanny, this is really clean!” She was playing hide-and-seek with her little brother, totally unaware that I had made a special provision just for them! One simple word of praise can go a long way for someone who has tried to make a little extra room for another.

Today, our family will celebrate the gift of life as we remember with love my father-in-law, Clayton. He has now accomplished his life’s purpose on earth and we will forever treasure him in our hearts forever. My father-in-law had a clear vision for what one day would be. Even though his eyes were growing dim with age and disease, Pop glimpsed a plan for all the generations who would follow after him. He has now graduated to life eternal in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pop was committed to the grace of God in completing his life’s call.

I believe Paul and Barnabas had to feel some sense of accomplishment, careful not to take personal credit for the many healings and conversions happening all around them. They knew that in every miracle, every newly saved soul, there is God’s gift of grace in and through Christ Jesus. Yet, it had to be humbling to know He would choose to use their imperfect hands to help spread His Word throughout the nations. Looking back at their first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas had to feel affirmed while receiving Christ’s vision for what would one day be for all people, everywhere.

We celebrate all of life’s big accomplishments together, praising our Lord Jesus Christ for His gift that makes life worth living. He has made room for all who will humble their hearts, repent of their sin and daily seek His face. We can now come into the presence of the Father with joy, because of Christ’s work on the cross; you can be transformed today, right now! This is the time to invite Jesus Christ to become Lord of your life; let Him sweep out the cobwebs of sin and shame buried deep inside. Let Jesus show you what clean can really be! Jesus will change you from the inside out, helping you complete every good work, as you commit yourself daily by the grace of God. May you find yourself standing before the Lord on your eternal Graduation Day, hearing Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness!”

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2010, Deb Spaulding

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