Today’s Reading: Luke 22:19-20 NKJV
19 And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 20 Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.
Good morning!
Today is the day we remember and celebrate the Passover meal. The Father gave specific instruction to Moses on how to prepare and share this special dinner. The people prepared for the promise of their ultimate release from captivity, while awaiting God’s promise of full salvation. The perfect lamb was prepared; its blood preserved and placed over the door posts as a protective shield. When the angel of death came that night, it would pass over the children covered under the blood. The Passover meal is an act of living worship, celebrated in hope and wonder, as we prepare our hearts for the fulfillment of God’s salvation to all who are protected under the blood covering of the Lamb.
Jesus and his disciples came to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover feast together. This special meal was the last time Christ would eat with the disciples before His death. Advance preparations had been made for their time together. Jesus sent Peter and John to find a special place to share the Passover meal. As Christ prepared Himself to bear the sins of the world, the women prepared food, according to the traditions passed down from their forefathers. This is a humble act of living worship; Jesus prepares human hearts as we humble ourselves before the Father, protected under the blood of His perfect, spotless Lamb.
Living worship is the outward expression of genuine love for God. It is a beautiful thing to see; more precious to do. Living worship is a verb. It is not something we hope to experience while sitting in church; it is what we offer in return to the One who has given us His all. What does living worship mean to you?
We see Christ’s expression of living worship as He washes the feet of His friends, knowing in a few short hours they would scatter like lost sheep, denying any relationship with Him. Jesus dipped his hand in the cup with the One whom He knew would betray Him into the hands of angry, evil men. Jesus fully understood the impact His act of living worship would bring, watching as His disciples shared in the Passover meal together.
What will you bring as your act of living worship to His table? Will you place full faith in the promise of salvation through the perfect, sinless Lamb of God? Won’t you give your whole heart to Jesus right now? Christ invites all who are willing to come and eat at His banqueting table. This is, by far, the most important meal you will ever eat. May you find new life today in Christ’s act of living worship, sheltered under the blood of the Lamb.
You are cordially invited to attend living worship with me tonight at 7pm at Faith Church, 2950 Droste Road, St. Charles, MO. We will break bread together as we remember the sacrifice of our Lord.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
© Copyright 2010, Deb Spaulding
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