High Heeled Days
Today’s Reading: I Corinthians 16:13 NIV
13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Good morning!
I fell in love with high heeled shoes the moment I was given my very first Barbie® doll. Her feet were perfectly suited to all those colorful slip-ons. My doll had a built in high arch that made her sandals look so appealing. I wanted to wear shoes that would make my feet look just like hers. I had no earthly idea just how hard it would be to walk in slip on shoes with high heels. This was one life lesson God knew I would have to learn the hard way.
When I took my first job, I noticed my co-workers choice of footwear. A conservative pump with a two inch heel seemed to be the shoe of choice for the women working in the office. At that time, one could accessorize a tasteful navy pump with a clip on white bow and a shiny blue and white leather handbag. I set aside a portion of my paycheck each month just to go shoe shopping. Today, I am reminded of those shopping excursions every time I set foot into my favorite shoe store. Styles have certainly changed through the years; but the classic pump with a two inch heel has found its rightful place on the footwear hall of fame shelf in the back of my bedroom closet.
“You are ruining your feet.” I chose not to listen to the repeated warnings of my physician. He wanted me to wear a more protective, conservative shoe, with better arch and heel supports. I was far too busy trying to look good than wanting to heed his word. I proudly wore my pumps everywhere – to work during the day and to church at night; to my son’s soccer games – I waded across the mud-caked fields and left a trail of heel marks on the path. My husband knew if I had arrived before him – all he had to do was follow the heel marks. I learned to make my way along the city sidewalks with heels and toes clicking as I took each glorious step. I loved the look, the sound, and the feel of my high heeled days, for a season. I slowly began to experience foot pain just the way my physician said I would. How did he know? I tried to ignore the unbearable pain at first. But as my arches flattened, I began to develop painful heel spurs caused from a common foot problem known as Plantar Fasciitis. My high heeled shoes were not nearly as appealing as they were before. I could no longer stand in them. What will it take for you and me to truly listen and obey the Word of our Great Physician?
Sometimes the ways of the world seem attractive to little girls playing with dolls. We dream of the day when we will accessorize our own wardrobes with doll clothes and shoes. We begin to think that if we could just dress up in a certain size, and sport a particular shoe, that we would perfectly fit into what our culture deems appropriate. Who are we trying to please in our high heeled days? You know, life’s illusions will not last forever. We will reap the consequences for every poor choice, and that includes the type of shoe we choose to wear. What kinds of spiritual damage have your feet suffered when you chose to walk the culturally acceptable path of life – the road that leads to utter destruction?
It is imperative that we guard our hearts and stand firm in the faith. We cannot do this standing on stilts; for if we try, we are headed for the fall. What may seem normal to our world is certainly not the way of the Master. We lose sight of the narrow path as we run headlong down the sidewalk of life, leaving a tiny trail of heel marks behind in the dirt. Eventually, we come to a place where we can no longer stand on our own two feet. We’ve ruined ourselves, totally distracted by the world’s way. We need to receive new pair of shoes; the kind that protects and saves us. We need to take a walk on a brand new path.
If you have worn out all those high heeled shoes, you are so not alone! The Lord Jesus Christ knew the life path you would choose to take. That’s why he died to save you. And Jesus stayed right there with you, every step of the way. Even when you didn’t see the imprint of His nail-scarred feet, He never left your side. When those pretty shoes have caused blisters on our feet and we find ourselves in the place where we can no longer stand, Jesus is there to pick you up. He washes our feet in His blood and resets our path to the way the leads to life eternal. Jesus Christ is the healer of broken bones, broken hearts, and broken lives.
Take a step of faith today – let go of your high heeled days! Jesus will heal your heart, once and for all, and He will give you a new path to walk on right now. All you have to do is turn around and say, “Help me, Lord!”
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
© Copyright 2010, Deb Spaulding
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