Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sharing life in the Word

Today’s Reading: Acts 13:14 NIV

14 From Perga they [Paul and Barnabas] went on to Pisidian Antioch. On the Sabbath they entered the synagogue and sat down.

Good morning!

Whenever Jeff and I travel, on vacation or for business, we seek out the local United Methodist congregation in the community where we are staying and make note of their worship service days and times. We sense a special connection with the world wide body of the United Methodist movement, and are welcomed here with open hearts, open minds and open doors. Do you purposely look for specific places to worship when you are traveling far from home?

I enjoy meeting new people. I like to hear their faith stories; often, it is through sharing personal faith that I find myself growing deeper in the love of Jesus Christ. We experience a deep human connection, intricately weaved in and through the work of the Holy Spirit. We can learn so much from each other. Our customs, cultures and faith traditions may be different; yet, we are drawn together by Christ’s love, which makes us one.

Paul and Barnabas knew they would find a commonality with the people worshipping at the synagogue. They would be exposed to the different culture and traditions of this community; yet, chose to speak with these men of great faith. They instinctively knew that their personal beliefs and differences might very well separate them; yet, this was an opportunity to share the salvation message of Jesus Christ; and open a door for the Holy Spirit to warm the hearts of all who hear.

One does not have to look far to find a faith community. We are no longer bound to physical buildings in the middle of our town square. People of faith are everywhere! You can find them at work, at school, living in your neighborhoods, and all over the worldwide web. Today, we have a small window of opportunity to share our faith in Jesus Christ with the world. Are you willing to tell your story? Come and worship with me today, as we share life together in the Word.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2010, Deb Spaulding

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