Saturday, October 03, 2009

Holy Spirit Power

Today’s Reading: Acts 8:14-17 NIV

14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. 15 When they arrived, they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; they had simply been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

Good morning!

Something miraculous happens when believers lay hands on you and pray. It is hard to adequately describe the wonder-working power of a Spirit-filled prayer.

The Sunday before I had neck surgery to repair crushed discs in my cervical spine, our Faith congregation gathered in the middle of the church aisle to lay hands on me and pray in community for my physical healing. Pastors Kim and Jeff held my hands and shoulders, as folks stood behind, placing their hands on the shoulders of the people standing next to them. The entire room was filled with praying believers, asking for the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit to illuminate my life; to heal my body and work through the gifts of the physicians, who would be the hands of Christ in the operating room the next day. I knew I was healed before I ever left the sanctuary on Sunday morning. I had the confirmation of the Holy Spirit working within me, telling me so.

Why is it important to seek out the Holy Spirit in your life? We cannot help but be drawn to the stories of the Apostles in the Book of Acts, as it was their sure defense against an unbelieving world. It is only through the Holy Spirit power, alive and working within them, that made an everlasting difference for all people.

The Holy Spirit provides courage in the midst of danger and adversity. The Spirit helps us discern Truth and speak it with power and authority; this can only come from faith in Jesus Christ. When we fail to make right choices, it is the Holy Spirit’s prompting within that helps us turn around and repent. But the most important piece of the Spirit’s life song is how He draws us into deeper relationship with Christ every minute of every day. When I pray in the morning, I realize I have no ability with which to reach out and connect to my kinsman redeemer. He reaches into me through the wonder working power of His Spirit, and I am immediately drawn to Him; when I ask to come into His presence, it is His call that I respond to. Believing in Jesus Christ is a choice all of us must make; yet choosing comes only by and through the Holy Spirit power. If you want to walk with Jesus every day, you must not hesitate to ask for the gift of the Spirit power to convict, cleanse, and comfort you. We learn just how important it is to trust in His direction, as we journey toward life everlasting.

The Holy Spirit was moving and shaking in the pre-op area of the hospital Monday morning. Just before I was taken from the holding area into the operating room, Jeff, Cindy and I took the hands of the physicians and anesthesiologists, and we prayed over the healing miracle that would unfold during surgery. It was comforting for me to feel Christ in that room and I witnessed that same presence fall down and touch the hearts of my doctors. They wiped tears from their eyes while pushing my gurney down the hallway. I just couldn’t help but sing! The medication had already started to make me sleepy; yet, I was determined to praise the Lord with every breath I had. So I sang an entire verse and chorus of Great is Thy Faithfulness. I remember the anesthesiologist saying to me, “You are a singer – you have a beautiful voice.” I looked at him and whispered, “I love to praise the Lord with my life.” Even in this moment, I was given yet another opportunity to share Christ with praise and thanksgiving, and it was only because of the Holy Spirit power working within my body and soul.

The gift that Jesus gave to His Apostles is available to you and me today. You can have His Holy Spirit power right now. The Samaritans are proof positive that this gift is for all who believe. Do not hesitate to invite the Holy Spirit to come into your life today. It is Christ’s gift, given to you.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

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