Friday, April 17, 2009

Life without end

Today’s Reading: John 21:25 (NIV)

25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Good morning!

I have friends who will only read a book in its entirety if they like what they read in the last chapter first. Are you someone who wants to know how the story will end before you experience the beginning?

Each of the Gospel writers chose to end their narratives of Jesus’ life in unique ways. Was this Gospel writer exhausted when he closed his book with the last sentence? There was so much more to be told, so many things that Jesus said and did. How many volumes would it have taken if every word and act of Jesus had been recorded, shared, and revealed? Wouldn’t you like to know the rest of the story?

I believe there is a reason why this Gospel message has no conclusive ending. Jesus’ work didn’t stop at the cross; and there is no logical way to wrap up His life's story after rising from the dead and ascending into heaven. Jesus is alive and at work in the world today! When we give our hearts to Him and He draws us into a personal relationship, we find ourselves compelled to share His story with the world around us. This is a book of new beginnings. Even the ending is a brand new beginning, for God’s holy Word has no end.

It is human nature to want to know how every story will end, and there are many who have speculated about Christ’s promised return and what the end times will be like. Prophecies written thousands of years before Christ’s birth are being fulfilled today! Some scholars have devoted their entire lives to the understanding the meaning of the Truths contained in Holy Scripture. This Gospel writer doesn’t stop with this final chapter. The Father uses John to record a vision that the generations continue to interpret some 2000 years later. The mysteries presented in the book of Revelation, leave us to speculation and conjecture, compelling us to better understand the Father’s plan for the world.

Jesus chooses to reveal Himself to me verse by verse! Unlike many other books that I have read, there is something new to learn in every single sentence. We have spent the last sixteen months working through the Gospel of John, verse by verse. I know without a doubt that His Word speaks!

Even though Christ's story does not end here, it is time for you and me to draw some conclusions about what we’ve learned. We must make a choice based upon the eyewitness account that has been presented. Will we believe that Jesus is the only Son of God, who lived, died and rose again to save us from eternal separation and sin? If you have given your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ while studying His Word, then your salvation ticket has been purchased. You have a guaranteed place with Christ forever more. Your life's story will be His story for every generation; and you will live on forever in the everlasting light of Christ's love.

It is not too late to give your heart to the Lord. You have the opportunity right now to receive a brand new life in Christ. Pray these words with me: Father, I believe that Jesus lived, died and rose again just to save me. I am convinced that He is your only Son and the Savior of the world. Forgive me for the sins I have committed in my thoughts, words and actions. I give you my life right now; I make you the Lord of my life today. Thank you for salvation; I receive it today in Jesus’ name. I believe I have been washed in Christ's blood and now I can stand firm in His righteousness alone. I know your promises are true - I will live forever with you. Give me the courage to share your salvation story with the world! I pray this prayer, in the power and in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

If you have received the Lord Jesus Christ into your life today, please write to me today. I invite you join me tomorrow as we begin a brand new story, studying the Acts of the Apostles, verse by verse.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

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