Today’s Reading: John 18:16b-17 (NIV)
16b The other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came back, spoke to the girl on duty there and brought Peter in. 17 “You are not one of His disciples, are you?” the girl at the door asked Peter. He replied, “I am not.”
Good morning!
Jesus was in hot water and Simon Peter knew it. Thinking that anonymity might be best, he denied being one of Christ’s disciples. This was the man who recognized Jesus as the Son of the Living God, the Messiah. Jesus said that His church would be built upon the Rock solid foundation of Peter. Yet, in the courtyard, the Rock was shaken. Sometimes, that firm foundation we stand on seems to quake underneath our feet. Do you think Peter should have told the truth?
This is a unique distinction between human security and our eternal security promised through Christ. His foundation is firm; Christ’s Word is Truth and He spoke the Truth plainly to Simon Peter and the other disciples. Yet, when Jesus was taken into physical custody, His friends did not want to accept or believe it was true. They were not ready to give up their Lord, and yet, they were terrified they might lose their own lives trying to save His. Earthly security can vanish as quickly as the weather changes. What we have today can be gone tomorrow. Eternal security is the only firm foundation we have to stand on.
Isn’t it ironic that even in the courtyard, Peter had no clue that Jesus was literally saving him with every drop of blood that spilled from His body. Peter could not comprehend the length that God was willing to go in order to preserve his soul and the souls of believers forever.
Sometimes things happen in life that we just don’t understand. There are moments when it seems much easier to cower behind our faith, for fear of offending someone else. We hope and pray for the salvation of our family and friends who are not yet believers; yet, we worry about telling them about Jesus for fear they might reject us. We may find ourselves standing with Simon Peter in the courtyard, confronted by a co-worker or friend, and just like Peter, we may choose to deny the Lord we love by our words, our actions, or sheer apathy.
If you had been in the courtyard that day, waiting for word from the High Priest on the fate of the Master, would you have been willing to openly admit your relationship with the Lord? If someone asked you today about your belief in Jesus Christ, what would you say?
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding
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