Today’s Reading: John 14:5 (NIV)
5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
Good morning!
“Where am I going?” This is a question I ask myself more often than I’d like to admit. If you are “directionally challenged” like me, then maybe you will understand what I’m talking about here. Once I manage to locate the car keys in the bottom of my big white purse and connect them to the automobile ignition switch, I pause to ask myself a very important question: “Where am I going, and which is the most fuel-efficient, expedient way to get there?” All of us need to have some sense of direction before we pull out of our driveways, especially if we are planning to arrive at the appointed destination on time.
I’ve learned to laugh at myself through the years. And my husband Jeff and I make quite the pair. Talk about two peas in a pod! He likes to drive, yet he constantly asks me which way to turn, as if I know! We get so turned around out there on the highway of life – it’s amazing we find our way anywhere! Brothers and sisters, I can testify that divine intervention is alive and well and at work in our lives - Praise God!
My heart resonates with Thomas’ timeless question. He was totally confused by Jesus’ words. He had absolutely no idea where His Lord was going and wondered how in the world he could possibly know the way. Thank God I’m not alone. The Good News is that Jesus doesn’t want us to plan out our life’s journey, or head off trusting in our own sense of direction. All we have to do is follow the Master, and we’ll get to where we need to be! Jesus is the way and the truth and the life, and no one finds the Father except through Him. So, if we know the Savior, we know the way!
A global positioning system, a dash full of city maps, and a compass on the front of our windshield will not help us one little bit when it comes to finding the
Where are you going today? My friends, I pray you will choose to follow Christ.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC -
© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding
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