Thursday, July 03, 2008

Getting caught in the spin cycle

Today’s Reading: John 13:13-4(NIV)

13 [Jesus said,] “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should also wash one another’s feet.

Good morning!

Can you imagine what the world might be like if every human heart cared more about their neighbors than themselves? What if we lived out our days with a single purpose to make a lasting and positive difference in the life of another human heart?

We are very busy people. Our days are filled to the brim with commitments we’ve made to our families, our employers, and even to our passions and hobbies. We get to where we’re going, but we find it hard to connect. And even when we’re physically present, we may not be completely accounted for. It’s as if our minds are so busy that we cannot seem to engage and focus on the present moment, completely distracted by the things we are trying to cross off our to-do list. Now that gasoline prices have reached to a whole new level, many families are planning stay-cations this summer. What a novel approach to relaxation! Take your vacation by staying home and enjoying time off with your family in a familiar surrounding. Clean out a closet; donate some of those things that have been collecting dust on a shelf to a local charity. Cook a meal and share it with a neighbor. Spend a few days helping to build a Habitat home, or volunteer to cook and serve some meals at a homeless shelter. We sometimes forget how to be in relationship with others because we cannot seem to stop the busy cycle of our lives. It’s kind of like what happens when your washing machine gets caught in spin mode. Eventually, the laundry gets all knotted up inside the washer and the machine takes on a life of its own as it begins to walk itself across the room, bouncing and banging all the way. Is your life so busy that you are being tossed about in a never-ending spin cycle? Are you willing to set aside some time for someone else?

Jesus loves us. He loves us so much that He sets a picture perfect example of servant leadership. He stoops down to the ground and washes the feet of all who will let Him. None of us deserve to have our feet washed by the Lord of life, and yet, Jesus doesn’t hesitate to wash even the dirtiest of feet. He takes on the role of a faithful servant, not looking for accolades or compliments or even remuneration for a job well done. He didn’t ask the question, “What’s in it for me?” when He knelt at the feet of His disciples and washed their feet. Jesus cared so much more for the condition of their “souls” that He would lay aside His very life to cleanse and redeem them. What kind of love cares more about someone else than they care about themselves?

It’s time to move past the spin-cycle and do some serious foot-washing. Lord Jesus, help me follow in Your footsteps today. Show me how to serve You by becoming a willing and faithful foot-washer. Amen.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

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