Sunday, June 01, 2008

Troubled heart

Today’s Reading: John 12:27-28(NIV)

[Jesus said,] 27 “Now my heart is troubled, what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I cam to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!

Good morning!

Can you imagine what it might be like if you knew ahead of time how and when your earthly life would begin and end? It is a great gift to live out our days to its fullest measure, trusting in a greater plan beyond our realm of comprehension. Most everyone I’ve asked cannot remember their actual birth, only the stories told to them by their parents. It helps today to have colorful photograph scrapbooks and cinematography to aid us in knowing what it was like on the day we were born. We seemingly have no control over our first or last breath of air. Medical advances and technology have assisted many parents in planning for a specific day when their children are to be delivered. Near-perfect mathematical calculations, coupled with sophisticated ultrasound technology and labor-inducing medications remove the surprise element from the impending moment of birth. Not only do we know the day, we often know the sex of the child to be born far ahead of baby's first appearance.

It’s not quite as easy calculating the exact moment of death. We know it is coming – a life cycle that completes itself as we move from this world into the eternal. Why is it difficult for human beings to embrace life’s endings the way we embrace its beginnings?

It is like watching a rerun over and over again. Or starting a book with the last chapter first – if we know how the story will end, will the beginning really matter? Are you someone who longs to know how the story will end, before it begins?

Jesus had a troubled heart. Fully human and fully divine, the Son of God knew what was coming. He was with the Father in the beginning. He will be with the Father in the end. Jesus knew the moment He would leave His heavenly throne and enter into the womb of a virgin. He knew the time ordained for His earthly life. Every second mattered; every Word vitally important. Jesus came to give life, to redeem the lost, and leave an eternal path for humanity to follow. His earthly life was nearing completion. He knew the day and hour and how His last earthly breath would be spent. Jesus had a troubled heart, yet He chose to proclaim, “Father, glorify Your name!

We are not promised tomorrow; each new day is a gift hand-crafted for you. We can walk humbly along the path that God has prepared for us, praying the Word of our Lord this morning as we arise: Lord, thank you for today. Help me walk in The Way that You have planned for me. I trust You to lead me wherever You choose, knowing Your purpose is greater than my limited perception. I trust You for this day, dear Lord. Father, glorify Your name!

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

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