Today’s Reading: John 11:34-37 (NIV)
34 “Where have you laid him?” Jesus asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. 35 Jesus wept. 36 Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!” 37 But some of them said, “Could not He who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?”
Good morning!
I wonder how Mary and Martha must have felt as they watched God cry. Their best friend and the Savior of the world stood at their side, in community, weeping holy tears of sadness. Do you think God cries today?
I believe God cries when He sees the suffering of the little children in the Condo, orphaned and left all alone, watching their parents die in the ravages of civil war and rampant-spreading disease. He hears the cries of every hungry child, wasting away in utter starvation, suffering intense physical pain. We gaze into the hollow eyes of a sick and hurting child, and know that God must be crying tears of grief. I’ve heard that when rain falls from heaven, it nourishes the land, providing our rivers and streams a rich new life. These are the tears of a broken-hearted Father, as He observes the suffering of His precious created ones. What will it take for us to learn how to willingly share our resources with each another? How many millions will have to die before we find a way to feed the hungry children in our world?
One tear falling from the Master’s face can heal a blind man’s sight, restore hearing to the deaf, and help a lame man walk again. One tear shed in grief will raise the dead to new and vibrant life. When God cries, hardened hearts melt, minds are transformed, and people learn how to love each other as Christ loves each and every of us. Nothing stays the same when God cries.
Jesus wept at the tomb of His friend, and the Jews exclaimed, “See how He loved him!” Jesus is crying out for your heart today. His tears will totally transform your life, if you are willing to stand in His holy rain. Come experience the love of Jesus Christ today. I’ve saved a seat for you at
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC -
© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding
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