Thursday, March 20, 2008


Today’s Reading: John 16:33 (NIV)

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me, you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Good morning!

When I attended new employee orientation at work, the most important piece of information I received was the telephone number for the company’s Help Desk. Do you have a Help Desk where you work? What a gift to know there is a caring heart at the other end of line, ready to help whenever I hit a speed bump on the motherboard of life. Every now and then, we need someone out there who can troubleshoot for us. I’m blessed to know an extremely talented computer guru whom I can call on whenever I need extreme help.

Trouble seems to lurk around every virtual corner of our lives. Like the dust bunnies that silently gather underneath my sofa, they become a mass legion of dirt if I don’t occasionally sweep them out the door. Trouble is no respecter of age, race, or gender. All of us struggle with something. Isn’t it good to know there is someone you can call, twenty-four hours a day, who loves you enough to go the distance for your very soul? He is our personal troubleshooter, whose soul purpose is to fix the problem we could not change on our own. He understands the issue far better than we do; and He will stop at nothing to remedy the problem, if we are willing to let Him help us.

Jesus walked and talked with His disciples for three years. He had given them His very best, and now it was time to fulfill the ultimate prophecy. Christ came for one purpose – to take the sins of the world upon His shoulders, purchasing salvation for all who would believe and receive.

Sometimes I get really confused. I call the Help Desk when I don’t understand why my computer is locked up and I can’t seem to get the system to reboot. The fix is simply miraculous, especially when I’m up against a deadline and bouncing off a proverbial brick wall. I know my troubleshooter. We are on a first-name basis. I count on Him to be right there with me, every minute of every day, and He is.

Jesus Christ gave His life’s blood so that He could troubleshoot your sin, fixing your disconnect once and for all. Won’t you call on the Lord for heavenly help? He is right here, ready and willing to save you now.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

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