Friday, February 15, 2008

Widespread Whispering

Today’s Reading: John 7:12-13 (NIV)

12 Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about Him. Some said, “He is a good man.” Others replied, “No, He deceives the people.” 13 But no one would say anything publicly about Him for fear of the Jews.

Good day!

Speaking publicly about faith matters is not always an easy thing to do. When I attended public grade school, I was not allowed to sing songs about Jesus, or pray together with my classmates during class. I was, however, allowed to pray on my own, and that became an important part of each day, especially at test-taking time. No one around me probably even noticed the closed eyes, folded hands and hushed whispers of my petition before I began taking each written examination. School prayer meetings, for a time, was something we read about in our history books. Then, some of us found ways to meet together outside, before classes began, to circle up and pray together each morning.

In the early sixties, when I was just a young girl, my dad had a firm house rule and it was adhered to explicitly by the members of my family. He was the only one allowed to express verbal opinions regarding politics or religion in our home. Our job was to keep quiet, pay close attention, and agree with him. As I grew older (and not necessarily wiser, I might add), this became a hard rule for me to adhere to. Every now and then, I would challenge Dad to a spirited conversation. Most of these discussions ended rather abruptly, with no real resolution or dialogue. Sometimes, we couldn’t even agree to disagree. Rejection is tough stuff, no matter how we try to dress it up, and most of us would rather walk a mile out of our way than cause unwanted strife within our family, in friendships and even in the communities where we live.

Jesus’ time had not yet come. Some wanted the Master to get out there and perform amazing miracles that would change hearts and lives forever. Others wanted Christ not to say a word, because His teachings were believed to contradict their religious traditions and culture. The people whispered together in secret, sharing initial observations of a man they didn’t really know. In public, they kept their mouths shut, for fear of retaliation by the Jewish religious leaders in their community.

Has fear of rejection ever kept you from sharing your faith with others? When we invite Jesus to become Lord of our lives, we cannot help but share His love with those around us. Fear subsides as our relationship deepens. I would encourage you today to share your heart. The only rejection you need to fear is the words of our Master as you stand before Him on the day of reckoning. Christ promises to acknowledge us before the Father, if we are willing to acknowledge Him before others.

Choose to be courageous today. Do not be afraid to tell others about Jesus.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

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