Grand Sweep Daily
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Acts 27:9 (NIV)
9 Much time had been lost, and sailing had already become dangerous because by now it was after the Fast [the day of Atonement.]
Good morning!
Do you ever feel like you are out there all alone, trying to swim upstream against a strong under current? I admit I have moments of spiritual despair. Yet, I found great encouragement and support this past weekend at the
My understanding is so very limited. No matter how much time I spend reading, studying and writing, I lack the wisdom I long for. King Solomon prayed to the Lord for wisdom. Some say He was the wisest man that ever lived. My limited vision keeps me from seeing the bigger picture. I struggle to gain not just wisdom, but His wisdom. How I long to see things the way Christ sees them. Oh, to have the perfect vision of our Lord. Maybe you are praying for wisdom today.
Our journey is never safe or easy. We are risk takers, from the moment we breathe our very first breath, until we die and rest in the everlasting arms. The Apostle Paul knew what it was like to travel a treacherous path. He, along with some other prisoners, boarded a ship that was sail along the coast of
King Solomon understood that human understanding is limited. Without the Lord’s leading, we will all be lost to the relentless storms of life. He said, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” We need to walk a straight path every day, as we seek His holy face in worship and praise. Only God can take the hairpin curves of our journey and straighten them out once and for all.
What does it take to trust the Lord with all your heart and not dwell upon the things we see in the physical realm?
When the seminar ended Sunday evening, Pastor Teykl gave me a hug goodbye and whispered in my ear, “You are not alone.” In that simple sentence, I could hear the voice of Christ filling me with reassurance and hope. We are not alone! We have God’s power and wisdom and His amazing strength to weather the storms in our lives and move forward to the task He has called us to. We can share the Gospel with others! We don’t have to rely upon our own abilities. The storms will always rage around us. We must choose whether to focus on the tidal wave we see in the physical realm or on the One who can calm the raging storm with one Word.
I’m fixing my eyes on Jesus today. Won’t you join me? If we hold hands, we can do this together.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC -
Pray for: greater faith, to see beyond the storms of life and realize there is abundant and everlasting life in the power and presence of Almighty God. Won’t you worship and praise Him today?
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
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