Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Grand Sweep Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 33, 34; Psalms 52, 53

Psalm 53:1-3 (NIV)
1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. 2 God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. 3 Everyone has turned away, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.

Good morning!

What does God see when He opens the curtains in heaven every morning and looks down upon His created ones? Are the prayers of His children wafting up through the rafters like the smell of sizzling bacon frying on the stove? Can He see His children on their knees in prayer, crying out, “Lord Jesus, I know you are here. Come inside my heart and play with me today. Come fill me up with your sweet Holy Spirit. I am yours and I am willing to go. Lead me. Teach me. Hold me. Guide me.”

The world is such a busy place. Many of my co-workers are already sitting at their desks this morning, reading e-mails, writing briefs, and pushing paper across their desks. How did they begin their day? Did it start with a moment of prayer? Did they hop on their elliptical machine and flip to CNN on the television monitor? Maybe they jumped into the shower while listening to the Oldies playing on the FM dial. What does God see when He looks down from heaven every day? Is there anyone looking up toward Him?

As I read the Psalm this morning, I am reminded that our lives are stuck in a rut. We were stuck thousands of years ago, and we are still stuck today. We bury ourselves in the daily monotony of life. We depend upon massive doses of caffeine to peal us out of bed in the morning and push us through the day. Our families, educational pursuits, and career paths take over our life. We focus on the non-essentials, believing we have our priorities straight. We work hard, long hours. We give up our time and energy to what we believe is the pursuit of happiness. Are we happy? Are we doing something that, in the ebb and flow of the river of our life’s journey, makes any difference at all?

Being good will never be good enough. We can pursue higher education, discipline ourselves, keep to a strict schedule, and purpose in our hearts to make a mark. We can also choose to be lazy, complacent and apathetic with the people who surround us each day. Either way, we lose. What motivates you to live? Where do you find the strength to get out there and go?

Every morning, I seek out the Lord before I look in the mirror, take a shower, or fix my bed hair. Without Him, I may as well stay in bed with the blankets pulled up over my face. There is nothing I can accomplish without Him. I may appear to have all the right moves, and yet, if He does not take the lead in my life, what difference does it really make? There are people out there going through the motions but they do not know motion maker. Are you one of them?

My Jesus is stronger than the blackest cup of coffee. He is sweeter than the donuts we consume on the run. His love is worth waiting for. Take a break. Get down on your knees and ask Him to be the Lord of your life today and every day, first thing, when you get up out of bed. His life will be all the life you need to find purpose and meaning for each new day. You can be the spark that sets the world ablaze for Him. Are you ready to rock the windows of heaven? Let us pray.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Pray for: time! We are given twenty-four hours a day. How will you spend the time you’ve been given? Are you willing to hand it all over to the Lord this morning?
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
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