The voice of the Lord
Grand Sweep Daily Reading: Numbers 7, 8; Psalm 39
Numbers 7:89 (NIV)
89 When Moses entered the Tent of Meeting to speak with the Lord, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the atonement cover on the ark of the Testimony. And he spoke with Him.
Psalm 39:3-4 (NIV)
3 My heart grew hot within me, and as I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:
4 “Show me, O Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.”
Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)
8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Good morning!
Try to imagine what it may have been like when Moses conversed with the Lord God Almighty. Moses had many audible conversations with the Lord. He first heard God’s voice crying out through a burning bush that would not be consumed. Conversations continued upon the mountain top, where Moses worshipped the Lord on holy ground. He received the very Word of the Lord written on tablets of stone by God’s hand. In the tent of meeting, Moses listened to God’s voice crying out between two cherubim above the atonement cover on the ark of the testimony. Through clear, audible tones, Moses experienced God in ways we may never fully understand. The Lord was a visible and audible presence to Moses and His beloved children wandering in the desert.
How do we hear God’s voice? Is it His still, small voice that sings in the wind, whipping through the treetops late at night? Can we hear Him in the crackle of a campfire, or in the rushing water of a clear mountain stream? Maybe the voice of God is revealed through the sweet sound of a newborn baby nursing at his mother’s breast for the very first time. Is God’s voice revealed in the tender melody of a little child singing the words, Jesus Loves Me, this I know? Have you heard the voice of God calling you? Can you hear Him crying out in the night?
A portrait of a pastor hangs in my husband's office at church. He is leading a worship service and is preaching the Gospel message with great fervor. He holds an open scripture in one hand; his other hand is outstretched toward heaven. The look on this pastor’s face radiates a holy glow that only comes from a deep and abiding love for God. Behind him, one can see the silhouettes of the apostles and prophets, who spoke the Word of the Lord before him. Standing directly behind him is the Lord Jesus Christ himself, offering prayers of intercession while laying His holy hand upon the pastor’s shoulder. It is Christ who whispers into the pastor’s ear. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a true mystery; it is a gift from God. For those who yearn to listen with their spirit, they can hear the voice of the Lord speak through their pastor as they preach. When you sat in church this weekend, did you hear the audible Word of the Lord speaking directly to you? Could you see the holy glow radiating from your pastor’s face? Was the presence of the Lord powerful and effective? Could you reach out and touch Him with your hand?
Whenever I open my Bible to study, I can hear the voice of God speaking through His holy Word. The message leaps off the page and begins to transform my heart as I feed from its truth. When I listen to my Sunday school teachers who devote time and attention each week in exploring and unpacking the scripture for my benefit, I am grateful to experience the living Word of God through them. I can hear Him speak. I see Jesus in the eyes of my Faith family. They dearly love Him, know Him, and strive to live for Him each and every day. Through their life’s example, I am challenged to study and learn more.
My favorite moments with the Lord are spent when I simply sit in His presence and wait for Him. Spending time in prayer and meditation draws me into His loving arms. Sometimes my heart races with pure joy, knowing that He is near. There is an unspeakable comfort and peace; I experience rest in Him; and there is an everlasting, abiding love. In the silence as I wait for Him, Jesus whispers to my heart. Where there are no words, I can hear Him speak. Have you ever felt God speak to your spirit? Do you know the joy of His amazing love?
In the busyness of each day, take some time to listen for the voice of the Lord. He is all around you, ever present, waiting to reveal Himself to the ones who earnestly cry out for mercy and grace. We can experience the voice of the Lord through the people whom God has placed in our path. Listen to His Word as it is proclaimed from the pulpit of your sanctuary. Hear Him shake the rafters of your soul through the Scripture leaping from the pages you read each day. Wait for Him in the stillness of the night, as you pray and seek His face. If you draw near to the Lord, He will draw near to you.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: ears to hear, eyes to see, and a willing heart to answer when God speaks. Are you willing to answer the Lord when he speaks to you? Will you hear Him when he calls your name?
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
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