The secret of being content
Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)
11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
13 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
Good morning!
From the moment my first two babies came into the world, they were determined not to be content. Rachel wanted to be held every minute of the day and night. You put that child down even for a minute, and she had a set of lungs that could raise the roof of the parsonage. Our Benjie was a growing boy, and if he didn’t have something to chew on, it was hard consoling him. You would have thought we never fed that child. He still loves to eat. Thank goodness his wife loves to cook!
Then, along came our David. This child was the most contented baby I’ve ever seen. I never knew when he would awake from a nap. He would be upstairs in his crib and I would have the baby monitor on downstairs, so I could hear him when he would start to stir. I would get concerned because his nap had lasted much longer than I would have expected. So I’d sneak into his room to find him lying there, legs up in the air, looking at his mobile and smiling. The only time he cried was if he was in pain. David was perfectly content to lie on a blanket and observe everything around him. He seemed totally happy just to be.
Why do we struggle to be content in every circumstance? My parents grew up during the depression. It was a time when most Americans barely had enough food to eat. They had very few clothes to wear. My mother grew up in a family of seven siblings. She said it was not uncommon for them to wear the same thing every day. In the evening when they would put on their night clothes, their daily clothing would be washed and hung up to dry by the fireplace. The next morning, they wore the same thing over again. Mom talked about how the lack of material possessions never seemed to affect their family’s happiness. She grew up in a loving, Christian home. Sharing life together filled her family with true contentment. Mom said the Lord always provided enough food for the table, and they made do with what little they had.
The Apostle Paul shared an amazing little secret in his letter to the church at Philippi. Paul wrote that he had learned how to be content in any and every situation, regardless of whether he had plenty, or had nothing. Where did he find this peace? Paul knew the source of all happiness. He was in relationship with the one who gave his life true meaning and purpose. Paul knew the Lord Jesus Christ, the risen son of God. Jesus took his life and filled it with grace, forgiveness and overwhelming love. Paul found the source of true happiness and peace in His Savior’s care. He was content to be, no matter what the circumstance, walking daily with his Lord.
Just like Paul, we can experience the joy of true contentment today, as we spend time in relationship Jesus Christ. His love is all we need to do whatever He calls us to do. Jesus gives us the grace and strength to be the people He has called us to be, as we share His love with the world. If you find yourself feeling a little discontented today, hoping to discover true meaning and purpose for your life, why don’t you join me at Faith church this morning? I would like to introduce you to the one who gives me abundant life. Come worship Jesus Christ with me. I’ll save you a seat!
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: Jesus Christ to fill your heart with the contentment and peace that only He can give. He is the Prince of Peace, and He will change your heart and give you a new direction, meaning and purpose for living, if you ask Him to. Have you found the source of true contentment? Do you know my Lord?
© Copyright 2006, Deb Spaulding
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