Sunday, December 03, 2006

Foot Washing!

John 13:3-5; 17 (NIV)
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under His power, and that He had come from God and was returning to God;

4 so He got up from the meal, took off His outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around His waist.
5 After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.
17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Good morning!

If you are looking for a good movie to see during the holidays, be sure to check out the Nativity Story. It opened in theatres across the country on December 1st. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when Mary washes Joseph’s feet. They are on their way to Bethlehem from Nazareth, and it is a very long trip. They stop to rest by the river’s edge, and Joseph, exhausted from the journey, falls sound asleep. Mary removes Joseph’s sandals and discovers his feet are covered in dirt, blisters and cuts. She takes a wet cloth and begins to clean his feet. She is thankful that Joseph is committed to taking such good care of her and the child she carries inside. Washing his feet was a genuine expression of Mary’s love and gratitude.

Our feet really take a beating everyday. We walk, run, and jump. They carry us every place we need to go. Our feet come in different lengths and widths. They are as unique to each individual as our personalities are. My family likes to make fun of my feet. I have a small foot and short little toes that they claim “never touch the ground.” Begging for a foot rub at home was a no win situation. Nobody wanted to touch my feet. Thank goodness for professional pedicures.

Jesus did an amazing thing for His disciples that night during the Passover feast. He loved His disciples and knew that He would be leaving them soon. Setting the supreme example of servanthood, Jesus removed His outer garments, wrapped a towel around his waist, and knelt down before each of His disciples. He gently and lovingly washed their tired, sore and dirty feet with His hands.

Can you imagine what it is like to let the Lord of Life wash your feet? In an act of selfless love, the Master gently removes the dirt crusted around your toes and ankles. He gently cleanses the scrapes, blisters and calluses that have built up through daily wear and tear. He helps restore circulation through rubbing and massaging the muscles. Your dirty, tired feet begin to have a pink, healthy glow once again. You feel like a new person! And when you let the Master wash your feet, you become a new person, inside and out.

Jesus calls us to serve one another – we are to wash the feet of our brothers and sisters. I saw a lot of foot washing going on at church yesterday. Women had baked cookies for a Christmas cookie exchange to help raise funds for a mission trip to Pharr, Texas in the spring. Men were outside on ladders hanging Christmas decorations and stringing lights. Pastors were in their offices finishing lesson plans and sermon notes for Sunday worship. People were there, serving Christ and each other. It was foot washing at its very best. Jesus said that no servant is greater than his master and if we understand that, then we will be blessed if we choose to serve one another.

We only get to keep what we give away. Are you willing to serve the Lord by washing your neighbor’s feet? How will you show Christ’s love to a world who desperately needs to know Him? Come to church today and worship with me. We can be the body of Christ together, by washing each other’s feet and extending His love to the world.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Pray for: willingness to act on what you know to be true. Give your life back to the one who breathes life into you. Share the love of Christ today.

© Copyright 2006, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved

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