Are you ready?
Luke 21:28 (NIV)
28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
Good morning!
Prepare yourself – we are entering the busiest season of the year! Decorations are beginning to spring up around town. Christmas lights shine brightly against the dark, midnight sky. People are cleaning, shopping, baking, singing, and running like crazy to cram in as much “stuff” as they possibly can before the big day. Who are they preparing for? It appears that company is coming, and everyone is getting ready!
Christmastime meant “craft time” in my childhood home. My mother would buy several yards of red and green felt, white rick-rack, sparkly sequins and beads, and begin making Christmas tablecloths and tree skirts for our home. We would spend hours cutting out Christmas trees, silver bells, and holly leaves from felt. Using a bottle of Elmer’s Glue and a needle and thread, we would decorate the felt shapes with sequins, buttons, and ribbon, and affix them onto the table runners. One year, my mother made matching red skirts for all of us, and we decorated them with our sequins and beaded decorations. I loved making these keepsakes as a child, and appreciate them even more today as I prepare our home for the holidays.
My grandmother was an expert at tatting and crocheting. I regret that she did not teach me how to tat. Grandma could sit for hours with a tatting hook and thread in hand, laughing and talking and not even concentrating on the beautiful pattern she was weaving. Her hands moved so fast that I could not figure out the sequence of stitches. She made some of the most beautiful doilies and Christmas booties I have ever seen. I have a set of tiny Christmas booties that hang on my tree every year. They look as if they were brand new, even though they are at least forty-five years old. Decorating is a family tradition, passed along from one generation to the next. It is a joyful legacy I hope to leave with my children and grandchildren.
Christians around the world are preparing for something big. Advent is a holy season in the life of the church, set aside as a time to make preparation. How are you preparing for the big day? Jesus told His disciples that there would be signs of His return in the sun, moon, stars, and in the tossing of the sea. Nations would wage war against each other, causing humans to become fearful in the days ahead. Jesus told His disciples that when these things happen, they should stand up, look up, and watch with anticipation for His imminent return.
As we decorate our homes and rush through the next twenty-eight days, remember to set aside time each day to prepare your heart for the best gift you will ever receive – the gift of Christ’s return. Open your scripture today, and let the Lord speak to your heart. Will you be ready to receive Him this Christmas?
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Pray for: time to properly prepare your heart for the coming of Christ. Remember to look up, for your redemption is drawing near!
© Copyright 2006, Deb Spaulding
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