Frozen Pulpits
Today's Reading: Isaiah 40:9 NIV
9 You, who bring good tidings to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You, who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, "Here is your God!"
Good morning!
The blizzard in Northern Missouri dumped two feet of fresh snow before it traveled north and east. While viewing some of the pictures posted on Facebook, I smiled with empathy for my pastors and friends who live in that area and are still trying to dig out. One pastor had to literally build a wall of snow just so folks could access the stairs to enter the sanctuary for Sunday worship. I suggested he build a large ice pulpit in the front of the church and he thought maybe he could carve out the pews as well! I've never seen so much snow fall in one place.
Snow in general seems to diminish weekend worship attendance during the winter months. It is frustrating from the pastor's standpoint. They really want their congregants to be safe and use good judgment when coming out into the winter weather; yet, they really hope everyone will come to worship no matter what the weather! It is not right to sleep in and neglect our worship time with the Lord, simply because of a nasty forecast. Real worship can and does happen every day, and especially in inclement weather!
John Wesley, Methodism's founder, spent much time agonizing over frozen pulpits in England. He was ordained in the Anglican ministry, where field preaching was banned among clergy. During his ministry in the mid-1700s, only certain classes of people were allowed inside the church for worship each week. The extreme poor, and working class, those who were labeled "street scum" were turned away from Christ's message of salvation. Wesley realized that Christ's commission must be carried out no matter the personal cost. God's redeeming, saving love is not just for some, but for all people, everywhere! His intinerent preaching took him way outside the walls of churches, into fields and graveyards, and anywhere folks were willing to gather to hear the Word of God. People were starving to hear about Jesus, to know that He loves them and wants to be in a real and personal relationship with them right now. When the Bishop of Bristol (Wesley's boss) threatened to expel Wesley from all Anglican pulpits, he simply replied, "The world is my parish."
Almost three hundred years later, I have to wonder how many of our pulpits remain stoic and frozen, excluding some folks while embracing others. Shouldn't our churches be havens of refuge for the least, the last and the lost? This is a place to learn about our Lord's teachings, the wages of sin, and the penalty Christ paid for our salvation. Wouldn't it be awesome if our church buildings were filled to overflow every weekend with friends and neighbors from all walks of life who live in our cities? Why are we not opening our doors in this winter weather to house the homeless in our worship centers, offering warm blankets, cots and hot food to families in crisis? Are our pulpits frozen so hard they cannot melt with the warmth of God's amazing grace for all?
The prophet Isaiah spoke God's holy Word to the people. His Word must be proclaimed not just behind our pulpits; it must be taken outside the walls, even in this cold snowy winter. We need not be afraid when the Lord Jesus Christ sends us to shout on top of the mountain, "Here is your God!"
It is high time for a spiritual thaw.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Friday, February 04, 2011
Prayer Power
Today's Reading: Isaiah 40:1-2 NIV
1 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, and she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins.
Good morning!
I was browsing through the video library at the Family Bookstore recently when I happened upon a DVD entitled Mother Teresa: In the Name of God's Poor. This film gives a small glimpse into the life and heart of Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Mother Teresa. She dedicated her life's work to service the people that no one else wanted in India's slums. If you have not yet seen this DVD, I would highly recommend it for your home video library.
As Mother Teresa was preparing to leave the safety of her convent to live among the poorest of the poor, she chose to wear a simple white habit, a head covering with blue stripes around the band. In this film, Father prays over her new head covering, asking God to bless and protect it and the one who wears it, as a symbol of Christ's ministry and healing in the world. The filmmaker spent time making a point about the selection of the fabric used, for it was the least expensive and non-ornate fabric available at the marketplace. As Mother Teresa's outreach ministry grew to worldwide proportions, the nuns who served along side her wore the same simple head covering, a simple white fabric with a solid blue stripe around the edge.
In the last month, I have experienced a series of medical tests in two different hospitals. During each test, I was offered warms blankets to cover my body. I immediately noticed the white fabric with blue stripes and realized that I was being covered in Mother Teresa's habit - the fabric covered in prayer and blessing. It was designed specifically to promote healing and wholeness. I wondered if the medical attendants and nurses prayed over these blankets before they used them to cover their patients. This holy moment reminded me that I was being wrapped in a blanket of prayer power; I had absolutely no doubt this beautiful symbol was a gift from God and a specific affirmation from the Lord for me.
On Sunday afternoons, a group of ladies from Faith Church St. Charles meet in the great room of our home to crochet prayer shawls for the sick and shut-ins in our community. Every stitch is handmade and every shawl is prayed over by each member of the group. Not every stitch is perfectly sewn; yet, every shawl is perfected in faith. I have been the recipient of one such prayer shawl. It was given to me several years ago by a dear saint who has passed on into God's eternal light. Every time I put this beautiful blue shawl around my shoulders, I feel as if I'm receiving a big hug from Miss Elsie and a prayer for healing. Simply a symbol, it is a mirror of God's love for me, and it draws me ever closer to my Lord, the giver of new life.
We do not need to look far to see what suffering does in war torn countries. The Middle East faces a pivotal moment in its nation's history, today! Just this week, a cyclone demolished parts of Australia, leaving the terrain flooded and muddy. The weather maps indicate that much of the continental United States is buried in snow drifts and ice. One year after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, thousands are still living in makeshift tents, still struggling to survive. Where do the homeless go when there are no shelters to protect them? Where do you house the homeless in your own communities? With so many needs in so many places, where do we begin?
There is Power in the blanket of community prayer. God comforts His people through the words of Isaiah the prophet, tenderly speaking to the ones who have long suffered the tragedies of war and illness, starvation and unimaginable need. Every one of us has the ability right now to reach out to hurting hearts around the world by offering up a simple prayer of intercession on their behalf. What seems a human impossibility is possible with God. He can calm the storms, provide help for the helpless, and heal our war-torn countries. This single act of contrition and humility is the single most powerful thing we can do as believers in the body of Jesus Christ. We can become an intricately woven prayer shawl, sewn together by three strands: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We can be the pure blanket of healing and wholeness for all people everywhere.
Won't you make time today, to fall down on your knees and seek God's help in bringing comfort and tender care to our neighbors who have urgent and dire needs? Prayer power is what our world needs right now.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Isaiah 40:1-2 NIV
1 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, and she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins.
Good morning!
I was browsing through the video library at the Family Bookstore recently when I happened upon a DVD entitled Mother Teresa: In the Name of God's Poor. This film gives a small glimpse into the life and heart of Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Mother Teresa. She dedicated her life's work to service the people that no one else wanted in India's slums. If you have not yet seen this DVD, I would highly recommend it for your home video library.
As Mother Teresa was preparing to leave the safety of her convent to live among the poorest of the poor, she chose to wear a simple white habit, a head covering with blue stripes around the band. In this film, Father prays over her new head covering, asking God to bless and protect it and the one who wears it, as a symbol of Christ's ministry and healing in the world. The filmmaker spent time making a point about the selection of the fabric used, for it was the least expensive and non-ornate fabric available at the marketplace. As Mother Teresa's outreach ministry grew to worldwide proportions, the nuns who served along side her wore the same simple head covering, a simple white fabric with a solid blue stripe around the edge.
In the last month, I have experienced a series of medical tests in two different hospitals. During each test, I was offered warms blankets to cover my body. I immediately noticed the white fabric with blue stripes and realized that I was being covered in Mother Teresa's habit - the fabric covered in prayer and blessing. It was designed specifically to promote healing and wholeness. I wondered if the medical attendants and nurses prayed over these blankets before they used them to cover their patients. This holy moment reminded me that I was being wrapped in a blanket of prayer power; I had absolutely no doubt this beautiful symbol was a gift from God and a specific affirmation from the Lord for me.
On Sunday afternoons, a group of ladies from Faith Church St. Charles meet in the great room of our home to crochet prayer shawls for the sick and shut-ins in our community. Every stitch is handmade and every shawl is prayed over by each member of the group. Not every stitch is perfectly sewn; yet, every shawl is perfected in faith. I have been the recipient of one such prayer shawl. It was given to me several years ago by a dear saint who has passed on into God's eternal light. Every time I put this beautiful blue shawl around my shoulders, I feel as if I'm receiving a big hug from Miss Elsie and a prayer for healing. Simply a symbol, it is a mirror of God's love for me, and it draws me ever closer to my Lord, the giver of new life.
We do not need to look far to see what suffering does in war torn countries. The Middle East faces a pivotal moment in its nation's history, today! Just this week, a cyclone demolished parts of Australia, leaving the terrain flooded and muddy. The weather maps indicate that much of the continental United States is buried in snow drifts and ice. One year after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, thousands are still living in makeshift tents, still struggling to survive. Where do the homeless go when there are no shelters to protect them? Where do you house the homeless in your own communities? With so many needs in so many places, where do we begin?
There is Power in the blanket of community prayer. God comforts His people through the words of Isaiah the prophet, tenderly speaking to the ones who have long suffered the tragedies of war and illness, starvation and unimaginable need. Every one of us has the ability right now to reach out to hurting hearts around the world by offering up a simple prayer of intercession on their behalf. What seems a human impossibility is possible with God. He can calm the storms, provide help for the helpless, and heal our war-torn countries. This single act of contrition and humility is the single most powerful thing we can do as believers in the body of Jesus Christ. We can become an intricately woven prayer shawl, sewn together by three strands: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We can be the pure blanket of healing and wholeness for all people everywhere.
Won't you make time today, to fall down on your knees and seek God's help in bringing comfort and tender care to our neighbors who have urgent and dire needs? Prayer power is what our world needs right now.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Feisty Faith
Today's Reading: Isaiah 40:11 NIV
11 He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.
Good morning!
When I first heard the noise outside our parsonage early this morning, I presumed God was waking me up to write. Then I noticed that our pretty kitty Faith had also reacted to the sounds outside. Was the Holy Spirit speaking to her too? Shortly thereafter, a second snowball crashed hard against our bedroom window. Jeff and I went outside together in the darkness and watched a young someone disappear into the shadows at the edge of our back yard. With cigarette in hand, he left a fresh trail of footprints in the frozen snow. Someone was obviously feeling a bit feisty today.
Our kitty Faith has a feisty disposition. She often vies for the attention with our sweet cocker spaniel, Ginger. During the day, they fight over which adult type will hold and pet them. Quite often, if Ginger is sitting with me, Faith will pounce onto my lap, scaring both of us, and forcing Ginger to move. Faith makes herself comfortable in the warm spot Ginger has left behind. Faith always a finds a way to get what she wants.
It never fails. Whenever I'm cooking, Faith tries to snoop around the hot stove. She doesn't understand why I place her in kitty time out while I'm working in the kitchen. It is only for her protection and our general health that she is banned to the bedroom. There, she has her toys and bed, her food and water, and kitty litter box. It is a virtual kitten heaven back there, but there are many times when she is not satisfied with what we've provided for her. Faith can become instantly moody and feisty, especially in the evenings after she has spent some time in the bedroom alone.
Jeff and I had just crawled into bed for the night. Ginger leapt onto the covers and curled up next to me. Faith was being playful, pouncing on Jeff's bare toes. She has a foot fettish, that kitty of ours, and it has truly become a term of endearment. Jeff pulled Faith from his feet and tried to love on her some. Faith obviously had something else in mind. Without as much as a warning, Faith flew into attack mode and bit Jeff hard on the arm. It was actually a scary thing to watch. I presumed she was out of sorts and angry with me for having put her in kitty time out during dinner. What happened in the next moment was amazing to me. Jeff pulled Faith close to his bleeding arm and began to gently massage her forehead and chin. Speaking words of kindness and love to her, Faith began to relax in his arms. She calmed down and peacefully fell asleep in her master's protection and love.
Isn't this exactly how the Lord loves us? He protects us like a shepherd, from the things in life that will ultimately harm us. He wants nothing but our very best. The Father gave us commandments to obey and when we choose to break them, we suddenly find ourselves separated from the loving Master. Have you ever lashed out irrationally at the One who loves you and laid down His life to save you?
When we choose willful disobedience, sporting our feisty, self-centered attitudes, the loving shepherd does not let us simply disappear into the darkness. No matter how hard we may try to fight Him, Jesus has a wonderful way of drawing us back, holding us close with His nail-scarred hands. Christ's sacrificial blood covers all our imperfect ways; He bridges the gap between human sin and the Father's perfect will. It is only His love that can give us a restful night's sleep, peace in the middle of our storms, and a hope for the promise of eternal day.
I would presume that our early morning visitor must have had a rough time sleeping last night. Why else would he show up in our back yard in sub-zero temperatures, pounding our bedroom window with snowballs? A steamy cup of hot chocolate and a kind conversation may have soothed his feisty spirit. Yet, he chose to run off into the darkness alone. He may be able to run away from me, but I know He is never too far away that my Savior cannot find and bring him back home.
Sweet Faith is snoozing peacefully in the chair where I sit writing today. She knows she is safe and loved, no matter what her general mood may be. And I know, without a doubt, that my Lord loves me right where I am, in the middle of my circumstance. He loves my feisty disposition and He will never let me go.
Lord Jesus, how amazing is your love for me!
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Isaiah 40:11 NIV
11 He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.
Good morning!
When I first heard the noise outside our parsonage early this morning, I presumed God was waking me up to write. Then I noticed that our pretty kitty Faith had also reacted to the sounds outside. Was the Holy Spirit speaking to her too? Shortly thereafter, a second snowball crashed hard against our bedroom window. Jeff and I went outside together in the darkness and watched a young someone disappear into the shadows at the edge of our back yard. With cigarette in hand, he left a fresh trail of footprints in the frozen snow. Someone was obviously feeling a bit feisty today.
Our kitty Faith has a feisty disposition. She often vies for the attention with our sweet cocker spaniel, Ginger. During the day, they fight over which adult type will hold and pet them. Quite often, if Ginger is sitting with me, Faith will pounce onto my lap, scaring both of us, and forcing Ginger to move. Faith makes herself comfortable in the warm spot Ginger has left behind. Faith always a finds a way to get what she wants.
It never fails. Whenever I'm cooking, Faith tries to snoop around the hot stove. She doesn't understand why I place her in kitty time out while I'm working in the kitchen. It is only for her protection and our general health that she is banned to the bedroom. There, she has her toys and bed, her food and water, and kitty litter box. It is a virtual kitten heaven back there, but there are many times when she is not satisfied with what we've provided for her. Faith can become instantly moody and feisty, especially in the evenings after she has spent some time in the bedroom alone.
Jeff and I had just crawled into bed for the night. Ginger leapt onto the covers and curled up next to me. Faith was being playful, pouncing on Jeff's bare toes. She has a foot fettish, that kitty of ours, and it has truly become a term of endearment. Jeff pulled Faith from his feet and tried to love on her some. Faith obviously had something else in mind. Without as much as a warning, Faith flew into attack mode and bit Jeff hard on the arm. It was actually a scary thing to watch. I presumed she was out of sorts and angry with me for having put her in kitty time out during dinner. What happened in the next moment was amazing to me. Jeff pulled Faith close to his bleeding arm and began to gently massage her forehead and chin. Speaking words of kindness and love to her, Faith began to relax in his arms. She calmed down and peacefully fell asleep in her master's protection and love.
Isn't this exactly how the Lord loves us? He protects us like a shepherd, from the things in life that will ultimately harm us. He wants nothing but our very best. The Father gave us commandments to obey and when we choose to break them, we suddenly find ourselves separated from the loving Master. Have you ever lashed out irrationally at the One who loves you and laid down His life to save you?
When we choose willful disobedience, sporting our feisty, self-centered attitudes, the loving shepherd does not let us simply disappear into the darkness. No matter how hard we may try to fight Him, Jesus has a wonderful way of drawing us back, holding us close with His nail-scarred hands. Christ's sacrificial blood covers all our imperfect ways; He bridges the gap between human sin and the Father's perfect will. It is only His love that can give us a restful night's sleep, peace in the middle of our storms, and a hope for the promise of eternal day.
I would presume that our early morning visitor must have had a rough time sleeping last night. Why else would he show up in our back yard in sub-zero temperatures, pounding our bedroom window with snowballs? A steamy cup of hot chocolate and a kind conversation may have soothed his feisty spirit. Yet, he chose to run off into the darkness alone. He may be able to run away from me, but I know He is never too far away that my Savior cannot find and bring him back home.
Sweet Faith is snoozing peacefully in the chair where I sit writing today. She knows she is safe and loved, no matter what her general mood may be. And I know, without a doubt, that my Lord loves me right where I am, in the middle of my circumstance. He loves my feisty disposition and He will never let me go.
Lord Jesus, how amazing is your love for me!
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Preparing the way
Today's Reading: Isaiah 40:3-5 NIV
3 A voice of one calling: "In the desert prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it." For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
Good morning!
I've been studying the book of Isaiah this year with my friends at Bible Study Fellowship International. Every Wednesday morning my friend Vickey picks me up and we ride together. I've attended a lot of different Bible studies over the years, but this one is truly special. The Word of God literally leaps off the page each week as we discuss the assigned chapters. I am thankful to be a participant in this group.
The Holy Scripture sometimes speaks literally to you and me. I had this experience with Scripture just last week. If you are fifty years or older, you may be able to relate to the story I am about to share. Once we baby boomers reach this perfect age, we get the joy and privilege of experiencing a medical test known as colonoscopy. For those who may not be familiar, a colonoscopy checks the health of your colon. It is a very important medical test and could very well save your life. The test itself is not so bad: you sleep right through it and it is virtually pain free, with the exception of a little indigestion and gas afterward. The worst part of this test is the preparation. In order for the surgeon to get a good look at what is going on inside your colon, you need to be really clean, and that is not an easy thing to accomplish when it comes to your colon.
The large intestine is made up of four main sections: the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and the sigmoid colon. The total length of the large intestine is approximately six feet. It winds around inside your abdomen, doing the work of eliminating undigested food and other waste products in your body. It is a challenge to clean out an entire colon, and to do it, one must stop eating for a period of time, drink only clear liquids, and ingest laxatives to flush the colon of its waste. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Last week, I underwent a colon cleanse to prepare for my second colonoscopy. The first colonoscopy was performed three years ago, and at the time, I had several precancerous polyps removed. The doctor probably saved my life that day during the procedure. Unfortunately, I had a complication after the test, a hemorrhage which took me back to the hospital for a week, followed by iron replacement for a year. As you may imagine, I was not looking forward to this second colonoscopy.
Before I started the prep, I began to pray for the Lord's help in cleansing out the dark places inside my belly. I began to pray out loud the words of Isaiah, as he prophesied of the coming Savior: "Dear Lord," I cried, "In this desert, prepare the way. Make straight in the wilderness a highway for my God. Every valley shall be raised up and every mountain and hill made low, the rough ground shall become level and the rugged places a plain. For the glory of my Lord will be revealed in this test." All day long, I repeated these words as I focused on how God was cleaning out the nasty stuff inside of me. You see, expunging sin is not an easy process. It hurts to let go of the things that are literally killing you. Just like a diet rich in fat and red meat can clog and contaminate your colon, a life of sin can clog and contaminate your heart. Only God can fully cleanse us from the sins that are eating us alive, but the process of letting go of our hurts and hang-ups is not a pleasant experience.
Sometimes we need to deal with our sins head-on. We need to hurt and cramp and feel sickened by the rotten things we've said and done. It takes a sincere repentance, not just mere words, to reach the Father's ear. He knows us from the inside out. He created us with the uncanny ability to be honest about who we are and whose we are. It is only after we've confessed our sins, let go of our stuff, and humbly ask for His healing, that our lives become truly clean.
My procedure went better than expected. It was necessary to take a few biopsies of the colon to ensure there were no diseases to address. What amazed me were the pictures taken during surgery: what a change from just three years ago! Healthy, pink tissue replaced darkened scars from the polyps removed back then. Not only was I healed, the scars were gone! God absolutely healed me from the inside out. What could have once taken my life is no longer a threat, and for this gift, I am forever grateful to the Master healer.
The surgical report said, "Excellent bowel prep." The doctor told me in recovery that I was squeaky clean! I would imagine that is not always the case with folks who come in for colonoscopy. I knew that my God had cleaned me out from top to bottom. He made the rough places straight. God can do this for you too - all you have to do is ask.
I couldn't help but imagine what it will be like on the day when I am completely free from sin, rising up from this world and flying straight into the arms of my Savior, Jesus Christ. His blood completely heals me. He covers me and makes me righteous and clean before the Father. I cannot do this by myself. It's certainly not about being good enough or earning this privilege. I don't even deserve God's gift of salvation. Only Jesus can remove my imperfections forever. It's a matter of grace.
I would strongly encourage all of you to get a routine colonoscopy. I have a great doctor and would be happy to share his contact information if you are looking for a great physician. I would beg you to let Jesus Christ cleanse you from the sins you carry around in your life. He can free you to be the person you were created to be. Ask Jesus to wash you clean from the inside out today. It will be an experience you will never ever forget.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Isaiah 40:3-5 NIV
3 A voice of one calling: "In the desert prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it." For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
Good morning!
I've been studying the book of Isaiah this year with my friends at Bible Study Fellowship International. Every Wednesday morning my friend Vickey picks me up and we ride together. I've attended a lot of different Bible studies over the years, but this one is truly special. The Word of God literally leaps off the page each week as we discuss the assigned chapters. I am thankful to be a participant in this group.
The Holy Scripture sometimes speaks literally to you and me. I had this experience with Scripture just last week. If you are fifty years or older, you may be able to relate to the story I am about to share. Once we baby boomers reach this perfect age, we get the joy and privilege of experiencing a medical test known as colonoscopy. For those who may not be familiar, a colonoscopy checks the health of your colon. It is a very important medical test and could very well save your life. The test itself is not so bad: you sleep right through it and it is virtually pain free, with the exception of a little indigestion and gas afterward. The worst part of this test is the preparation. In order for the surgeon to get a good look at what is going on inside your colon, you need to be really clean, and that is not an easy thing to accomplish when it comes to your colon.
The large intestine is made up of four main sections: the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and the sigmoid colon. The total length of the large intestine is approximately six feet. It winds around inside your abdomen, doing the work of eliminating undigested food and other waste products in your body. It is a challenge to clean out an entire colon, and to do it, one must stop eating for a period of time, drink only clear liquids, and ingest laxatives to flush the colon of its waste. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Last week, I underwent a colon cleanse to prepare for my second colonoscopy. The first colonoscopy was performed three years ago, and at the time, I had several precancerous polyps removed. The doctor probably saved my life that day during the procedure. Unfortunately, I had a complication after the test, a hemorrhage which took me back to the hospital for a week, followed by iron replacement for a year. As you may imagine, I was not looking forward to this second colonoscopy.
Before I started the prep, I began to pray for the Lord's help in cleansing out the dark places inside my belly. I began to pray out loud the words of Isaiah, as he prophesied of the coming Savior: "Dear Lord," I cried, "In this desert, prepare the way. Make straight in the wilderness a highway for my God. Every valley shall be raised up and every mountain and hill made low, the rough ground shall become level and the rugged places a plain. For the glory of my Lord will be revealed in this test." All day long, I repeated these words as I focused on how God was cleaning out the nasty stuff inside of me. You see, expunging sin is not an easy process. It hurts to let go of the things that are literally killing you. Just like a diet rich in fat and red meat can clog and contaminate your colon, a life of sin can clog and contaminate your heart. Only God can fully cleanse us from the sins that are eating us alive, but the process of letting go of our hurts and hang-ups is not a pleasant experience.
Sometimes we need to deal with our sins head-on. We need to hurt and cramp and feel sickened by the rotten things we've said and done. It takes a sincere repentance, not just mere words, to reach the Father's ear. He knows us from the inside out. He created us with the uncanny ability to be honest about who we are and whose we are. It is only after we've confessed our sins, let go of our stuff, and humbly ask for His healing, that our lives become truly clean.
My procedure went better than expected. It was necessary to take a few biopsies of the colon to ensure there were no diseases to address. What amazed me were the pictures taken during surgery: what a change from just three years ago! Healthy, pink tissue replaced darkened scars from the polyps removed back then. Not only was I healed, the scars were gone! God absolutely healed me from the inside out. What could have once taken my life is no longer a threat, and for this gift, I am forever grateful to the Master healer.
The surgical report said, "Excellent bowel prep." The doctor told me in recovery that I was squeaky clean! I would imagine that is not always the case with folks who come in for colonoscopy. I knew that my God had cleaned me out from top to bottom. He made the rough places straight. God can do this for you too - all you have to do is ask.
I couldn't help but imagine what it will be like on the day when I am completely free from sin, rising up from this world and flying straight into the arms of my Savior, Jesus Christ. His blood completely heals me. He covers me and makes me righteous and clean before the Father. I cannot do this by myself. It's certainly not about being good enough or earning this privilege. I don't even deserve God's gift of salvation. Only Jesus can remove my imperfections forever. It's a matter of grace.
I would strongly encourage all of you to get a routine colonoscopy. I have a great doctor and would be happy to share his contact information if you are looking for a great physician. I would beg you to let Jesus Christ cleanse you from the sins you carry around in your life. He can free you to be the person you were created to be. Ask Jesus to wash you clean from the inside out today. It will be an experience you will never ever forget.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Resolving Conflict
Today's Reading: Acts 15:5-6 NIV
5 Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, "The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses." 5 The apostles and elders met to consider the question.
Good morning!
When our children were younger, we used to struggle with differences of opinion and hot topic issues. Do you have a specific method for resolving conflict in your own home? We would often call family meetings at the kitchen table, especially when something of great importance had become a source of disagreement. We worked to create a safe space where everyone could express themselves on a particular question or situation, and then make a decision on how to move forward together. When emotions run high, it is often difficult to keep the safe space open to honest communication. I have often seen it crumble away more times than I can count. It is a hard thing to resolve conflicts within our own families, and quite often, someone walks away from the table frustrated with the group's ultimate decision. Even when we agree to disagree, it is critical for all to accept the overall decision of the group and abide in it. If we can somehow learn how to better deal with conflicts and differences of opinion in a healthy way within our own family units, we have a much better chance at learning how to do the same thing at work, in school, and even in church. Often, we see angry and disenchanted folks leave their places of employment or higher educational institutions because they can no longer support and abide by the decisions of the governing administration. The ironic thing about family units is that no matter what our differences are, we are yoked together in a strong cord of love. Every broken promise, any hurtful word can mend itself in love IF we are willing to let go of our hurts and let the Lord heal our families. God's plan for His children is as strong today as it was 2000 years ago. We are meant to be together forever, and no one should be left out of the circle. As a society, we can do a much better job learning how to respect and value each other, especially in times of disagreement.
The early church set a great example in resolving conflict. They didn't back away from the tough issues, ignore them, or refuse to speak to the pointed questions at hand. They allowed every voice to be heard, and prayerfully considered all opinions. Every four years in the United Methodist Church, a delegation is elected from each annual conference to attend a worldwide General Conference. One thousand delegates, half clergy and half laity meet to hear petitions and make recommendations to reject, adopt or amend, through humble acts of prayer, discernment and holy conferencing. The delegates strive to interpret and discern every issue raised at Conference. Having served on the 2008 delegation from Missouri, I can attest that not every delegate agreed on all the decisions made; yet, we find ourselves drawn together by Christ's precious blood. It is His love for all people that helps us better learn how to love each other unconditionally.
The early church model can teach us how to covenant together when addressing the deep seated issues we face today. Learning how to love each other the way Christ loves us is paramount in resolving conflicts. You and I are precious to the Lord. He loves us all so very much. Isn't it time we give unconditional love another try?
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Acts 15:5-6 NIV
5 Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, "The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses." 5 The apostles and elders met to consider the question.
Good morning!
When our children were younger, we used to struggle with differences of opinion and hot topic issues. Do you have a specific method for resolving conflict in your own home? We would often call family meetings at the kitchen table, especially when something of great importance had become a source of disagreement. We worked to create a safe space where everyone could express themselves on a particular question or situation, and then make a decision on how to move forward together. When emotions run high, it is often difficult to keep the safe space open to honest communication. I have often seen it crumble away more times than I can count. It is a hard thing to resolve conflicts within our own families, and quite often, someone walks away from the table frustrated with the group's ultimate decision. Even when we agree to disagree, it is critical for all to accept the overall decision of the group and abide in it. If we can somehow learn how to better deal with conflicts and differences of opinion in a healthy way within our own family units, we have a much better chance at learning how to do the same thing at work, in school, and even in church. Often, we see angry and disenchanted folks leave their places of employment or higher educational institutions because they can no longer support and abide by the decisions of the governing administration. The ironic thing about family units is that no matter what our differences are, we are yoked together in a strong cord of love. Every broken promise, any hurtful word can mend itself in love IF we are willing to let go of our hurts and let the Lord heal our families. God's plan for His children is as strong today as it was 2000 years ago. We are meant to be together forever, and no one should be left out of the circle. As a society, we can do a much better job learning how to respect and value each other, especially in times of disagreement.
The early church set a great example in resolving conflict. They didn't back away from the tough issues, ignore them, or refuse to speak to the pointed questions at hand. They allowed every voice to be heard, and prayerfully considered all opinions. Every four years in the United Methodist Church, a delegation is elected from each annual conference to attend a worldwide General Conference. One thousand delegates, half clergy and half laity meet to hear petitions and make recommendations to reject, adopt or amend, through humble acts of prayer, discernment and holy conferencing. The delegates strive to interpret and discern every issue raised at Conference. Having served on the 2008 delegation from Missouri, I can attest that not every delegate agreed on all the decisions made; yet, we find ourselves drawn together by Christ's precious blood. It is His love for all people that helps us better learn how to love each other unconditionally.
The early church model can teach us how to covenant together when addressing the deep seated issues we face today. Learning how to love each other the way Christ loves us is paramount in resolving conflicts. You and I are precious to the Lord. He loves us all so very much. Isn't it time we give unconditional love another try?
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The Good News Brothers
Today's Reading: Acts 15:3-4 NIV
3 The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they told how the Gentiles had been converted. This news made all the brothers very glad. 4 When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders, to whom they reported everything God had done through them.
Good morning!
I purchased a t-shirt from one of the many displays at the United Methodist Congress on Evangelism held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this month. The caption on the t-shirt front really caught my eye. It says, "John and Charles Wesley - The Good News Brothers" with a picture that somewhat resembles John and Charles in a Blues Brothers costume! The back of the shirt exclaims, "On a mission from God." As soon as the weather warms up here in the arctic tundra of Missouri, my friends from Faith Church St. Charles will see me wearing this t-shirt around town. John and Charles Wesley were responsible for igniting the Methodist movement in England, Europe and the United States during the mid-1700s. They knew how to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ around town in worship and song. If you have a chance, take a minute or two to read about John and Charles Wesley online. If you would like to know more, visit your local United Methodist Church, where you will find additional resources available which tell about the brothers' lives and beliefs.
At the Congress on Evangelism, I heard amazing stories of people from around the world, who were accepting Jesus Christ and having their lives totally transformed. I heard several pastors and teachers tell about changed lives in their communities and classrooms; my heart jumped for joy as they shared their stories and experiences of faith. We tend to dwell on all the bad stuff happening in our world and we sometimes forget how God continues to move in and through the people all around us. What an encouragement it is to hear some Good News for a change!
Paul and Barnabas were certainly the Good News brothers of their day. Everywhere they went, Paul stopped to share the faith stories with the community of faith and anyone else who would make time to listen. People were excited to hear of how the Holy Spirit was sweeping across the region, saving souls of both the Jewish tradition and Gentiles alike. When folks realized that God's love through Jesus Christ was meant for all people everywhere, the apostles' stories became a lifeline of hope and a source of healing to all who listened and believed. Good News travels fast!
How will the Lord choose to use you today in sharing a little Good News with the people in your life? Ask Him to help you share stories of faith-filled living with everyone you know. Like the Good News brothers, you too can be a bearer of Good News, just like John, Paul, Charles and Barnabas! (And you thought I was going to say, "George and Ringo." Gotcha!
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Acts 15:3-4 NIV
3 The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they told how the Gentiles had been converted. This news made all the brothers very glad. 4 When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders, to whom they reported everything God had done through them.
Good morning!
I purchased a t-shirt from one of the many displays at the United Methodist Congress on Evangelism held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this month. The caption on the t-shirt front really caught my eye. It says, "John and Charles Wesley - The Good News Brothers" with a picture that somewhat resembles John and Charles in a Blues Brothers costume! The back of the shirt exclaims, "On a mission from God." As soon as the weather warms up here in the arctic tundra of Missouri, my friends from Faith Church St. Charles will see me wearing this t-shirt around town. John and Charles Wesley were responsible for igniting the Methodist movement in England, Europe and the United States during the mid-1700s. They knew how to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ around town in worship and song. If you have a chance, take a minute or two to read about John and Charles Wesley online. If you would like to know more, visit your local United Methodist Church, where you will find additional resources available which tell about the brothers' lives and beliefs.
At the Congress on Evangelism, I heard amazing stories of people from around the world, who were accepting Jesus Christ and having their lives totally transformed. I heard several pastors and teachers tell about changed lives in their communities and classrooms; my heart jumped for joy as they shared their stories and experiences of faith. We tend to dwell on all the bad stuff happening in our world and we sometimes forget how God continues to move in and through the people all around us. What an encouragement it is to hear some Good News for a change!
Paul and Barnabas were certainly the Good News brothers of their day. Everywhere they went, Paul stopped to share the faith stories with the community of faith and anyone else who would make time to listen. People were excited to hear of how the Holy Spirit was sweeping across the region, saving souls of both the Jewish tradition and Gentiles alike. When folks realized that God's love through Jesus Christ was meant for all people everywhere, the apostles' stories became a lifeline of hope and a source of healing to all who listened and believed. Good News travels fast!
How will the Lord choose to use you today in sharing a little Good News with the people in your life? Ask Him to help you share stories of faith-filled living with everyone you know. Like the Good News brothers, you too can be a bearer of Good News, just like John, Paul, Charles and Barnabas! (And you thought I was going to say, "George and Ringo." Gotcha!
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The thing about salvation...
Today's Reading: Acts 15:1-2 NIV
1 Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers: "Unless you be circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved." 2 This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about the question.
Good morning!
In the 1982 blockbuster hit film, E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial, the lovable alien E.T. pointed a gnarly glowing finger at his little friend Gertie and said in a long, monotone voice, "Be good." There's something to be said about being good, choosing to do the right thing. After all, young Elliott saw his strange new friend as someone he needed to protect from a harsh reality. Elliott took it upon himself to provide shelter and protection for a stranger in need. Isn't that what we are taught to do - to take care of each other, and provide for the least, the last, and the lost ones in our world today?
There are some really great people out there. On many of our evening news broadcasts, there are five minute segments, like NBC's "Making a Difference," where we learn about some folks who do incredibly unselfish acts simply to reach out and help others. Is it enough to be good, or is there something else necessary to turn God's all-seeing, all-knowing eye?
For centuries, the Jewish tradition taught their people to strictly follow the laws of Moses. For them, it wasn't just a matter of being good or doing the right thing; it was an imperative in order to receive God's favor and mercy in the last days. God gave His commandments for right living and directed His people how to live out their days. Folks who chose to step outside of the boundaries God had drawn were punished for their sins. The act of circumcision identified every male Jew as a follower and keeper of the laws of Jahweh. To abolish that custom and time-honored tradition seemed unacceptable to the God-fearing Jews in Antioch. Do you believe that one must be circumcised to be recognized by God as His precious child? Does wearing a cross around one's neck today, or having a Christian symbol tattooed on one's body help the Lord identify who His children really are?
I can only imagine the kinds of arguments that erupted in Antioch that day, as Paul and Barnabas arrived. It probably sounded a lot like some of the conversations I listened to at the 2008 United Methodist General Conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Passionate people with positional statements of what they believe, why they believe it, and why others should too, can set the tone for a spirited, heated debate. There are just some things that must be discussed. Paul and Barnabas were appointed along with some others, to go back to Jerusalem and ask the other apostles and elders of the church about their burning question. As United Methodist Christians all over the world prepare for the 2012 General Conference, may we be compelled into daily prayer over the burning issues that will be discussed at length and acted upon at this meeting.
Paul and Barnabas had experienced God's amazing grace when Jesus Christ became Lord and Savior of their lives. They knew that while the teachings of Moses were very important and should not be simply set aside, that submitting to the rules alone was not enough to save. All of us can try to follow the rules or morality, of our country and community. We should all try to do good where ever we can, and we can wear our symbols of faith as evidence of what we believe. And yet, this would never be enough to gain salvation. The law cannot save in and of itself. It is only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ that we can receive full salvation. And when you receive it, your life will never be the same.
So what thing must you let God have before you can fully accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:16-17 NKJV.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Acts 15:1-2 NIV
1 Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers: "Unless you be circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved." 2 This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about the question.
Good morning!
In the 1982 blockbuster hit film, E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial, the lovable alien E.T. pointed a gnarly glowing finger at his little friend Gertie and said in a long, monotone voice, "Be good." There's something to be said about being good, choosing to do the right thing. After all, young Elliott saw his strange new friend as someone he needed to protect from a harsh reality. Elliott took it upon himself to provide shelter and protection for a stranger in need. Isn't that what we are taught to do - to take care of each other, and provide for the least, the last, and the lost ones in our world today?
There are some really great people out there. On many of our evening news broadcasts, there are five minute segments, like NBC's "Making a Difference," where we learn about some folks who do incredibly unselfish acts simply to reach out and help others. Is it enough to be good, or is there something else necessary to turn God's all-seeing, all-knowing eye?
For centuries, the Jewish tradition taught their people to strictly follow the laws of Moses. For them, it wasn't just a matter of being good or doing the right thing; it was an imperative in order to receive God's favor and mercy in the last days. God gave His commandments for right living and directed His people how to live out their days. Folks who chose to step outside of the boundaries God had drawn were punished for their sins. The act of circumcision identified every male Jew as a follower and keeper of the laws of Jahweh. To abolish that custom and time-honored tradition seemed unacceptable to the God-fearing Jews in Antioch. Do you believe that one must be circumcised to be recognized by God as His precious child? Does wearing a cross around one's neck today, or having a Christian symbol tattooed on one's body help the Lord identify who His children really are?
I can only imagine the kinds of arguments that erupted in Antioch that day, as Paul and Barnabas arrived. It probably sounded a lot like some of the conversations I listened to at the 2008 United Methodist General Conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Passionate people with positional statements of what they believe, why they believe it, and why others should too, can set the tone for a spirited, heated debate. There are just some things that must be discussed. Paul and Barnabas were appointed along with some others, to go back to Jerusalem and ask the other apostles and elders of the church about their burning question. As United Methodist Christians all over the world prepare for the 2012 General Conference, may we be compelled into daily prayer over the burning issues that will be discussed at length and acted upon at this meeting.
Paul and Barnabas had experienced God's amazing grace when Jesus Christ became Lord and Savior of their lives. They knew that while the teachings of Moses were very important and should not be simply set aside, that submitting to the rules alone was not enough to save. All of us can try to follow the rules or morality, of our country and community. We should all try to do good where ever we can, and we can wear our symbols of faith as evidence of what we believe. And yet, this would never be enough to gain salvation. The law cannot save in and of itself. It is only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ that we can receive full salvation. And when you receive it, your life will never be the same.
So what thing must you let God have before you can fully accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:16-17 NKJV.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and website information intact with copied articles.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Opening the Door of Faith
Today's Reading: Acts 14:27-28 NIV
27 On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. 28 And they stayed there a long time with the disciples.
Good morning!
Yesterday my spirit was renewed as I sat with a fellow lay speaker at the hospital, waiting for word about his wife, who was having cancer surgery. We met last spring at a United Methodist lay speaking training event held at Faith Church in St. Charles. He and his wife were both taking classes together, and I was blessed to make the acquaintance of this family. We've kept up with each other and our respective local churches activities online since meeting last year. They were able to attend a summer lay ministry seminar in Fayette, Missouri, which I had missed. The keynote speaker was Dr. Tom Albin of the Upper Room Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee. During our visit yesterday, I was able to tell my friend that I actually did get to meet Dr. Albin and hear him speak on his Wesleyan studies last week at the United Methodist Congress on Evangelism in South Carolina. It is a good thing to always compare notes. We can learn so much from each other as we hear the stories of how the love of Jesus impacts our daily lives.
The Lord has given my friends an extra measure of peace at this difficult time. This hospital visit could have been a very frightening experience. I am always amazed by the hope Christ gives to all who have chosen to place their lives in His loving care. Concerns and worries were talked about but not focused on. These emotions had no hold upon my friend's heart. He was able to look beyond the situation and see His Savior right there, holding his hand. Christ's love frees us to rejoice even in the darkest times of our lives. Together, we can find His hope. We cannot help but be encouraged by the love of God.
When Paul and Barnabas arrived in Antioch, after suffering great personal tribulation, they were gathered into the arms of their community of faith, who loved and encouraged them. Paul and Barnabas did not focus their hearts on fear, but fixed their eyes upon the Lord, the author and giver of new life. They rejoiced together that God had somehow used them to spread the saving message of Jesus Christ with the people in Attalia. They were having such a good time, they chose to stay there, to rest and be refreshed in the fellowship of believers.
If you are going through a rough patch right now in your life, there is one place where you can turn to find hope and help in time of need. Your local church is right there in your neighborhood, just around the corner from where you live. Maybe you've even driven by the building a thousand times and thought out loud, "I wonder what is going on inside those walls?" Isn't it time you come and experience it for yourself? Your local church is filled with folks just like you, who have found Christ's peace that passes all human understanding. And that's pretty amazing stuff when you consider the world in which we live today.
Won't you open the door of faith this weekend and worship with me at Faith Church - St. Charles - I look forward to meeting you there.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2010, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web site information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Acts 14:27-28 NIV
27 On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. 28 And they stayed there a long time with the disciples.
Good morning!
Yesterday my spirit was renewed as I sat with a fellow lay speaker at the hospital, waiting for word about his wife, who was having cancer surgery. We met last spring at a United Methodist lay speaking training event held at Faith Church in St. Charles. He and his wife were both taking classes together, and I was blessed to make the acquaintance of this family. We've kept up with each other and our respective local churches activities online since meeting last year. They were able to attend a summer lay ministry seminar in Fayette, Missouri, which I had missed. The keynote speaker was Dr. Tom Albin of the Upper Room Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee. During our visit yesterday, I was able to tell my friend that I actually did get to meet Dr. Albin and hear him speak on his Wesleyan studies last week at the United Methodist Congress on Evangelism in South Carolina. It is a good thing to always compare notes. We can learn so much from each other as we hear the stories of how the love of Jesus impacts our daily lives.
The Lord has given my friends an extra measure of peace at this difficult time. This hospital visit could have been a very frightening experience. I am always amazed by the hope Christ gives to all who have chosen to place their lives in His loving care. Concerns and worries were talked about but not focused on. These emotions had no hold upon my friend's heart. He was able to look beyond the situation and see His Savior right there, holding his hand. Christ's love frees us to rejoice even in the darkest times of our lives. Together, we can find His hope. We cannot help but be encouraged by the love of God.
When Paul and Barnabas arrived in Antioch, after suffering great personal tribulation, they were gathered into the arms of their community of faith, who loved and encouraged them. Paul and Barnabas did not focus their hearts on fear, but fixed their eyes upon the Lord, the author and giver of new life. They rejoiced together that God had somehow used them to spread the saving message of Jesus Christ with the people in Attalia. They were having such a good time, they chose to stay there, to rest and be refreshed in the fellowship of believers.
If you are going through a rough patch right now in your life, there is one place where you can turn to find hope and help in time of need. Your local church is right there in your neighborhood, just around the corner from where you live. Maybe you've even driven by the building a thousand times and thought out loud, "I wonder what is going on inside those walls?" Isn't it time you come and experience it for yourself? Your local church is filled with folks just like you, who have found Christ's peace that passes all human understanding. And that's pretty amazing stuff when you consider the world in which we live today.
Won't you open the door of faith this weekend and worship with me at Faith Church - St. Charles - I look forward to meeting you there.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2010, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web site information intact with copied articles.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Today's Reading: Acts 6:6-7a NIV
6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. 7 So the word of God spread.
Good morning!
It would seem that my hands are not what they used to be. When I was a young woman, I could tackle an arpeggio at a tempo of 110 without skipping a beat. I could hold a violin up high on my left shoulder and remain perfectly comfortable while in a three hour rehearsal. My fingers moved and beautiful music filled the air. As I recall, there was no debilitating pain; only joy in the journey. I knew this special gift was from God, He gave me hands to use as I praised Him in worship and song.
Once upon a time I typed 121 words per minute with less than two errors. Fortunately for me, that particular timed test occurred while I was interviewing for a job! My poor posture never kept me from finishing a legal brief or preparing correspondence for signature. I took great care in my work product; for perfection is always the goal.
My hands don't work the way they used to. They are scarred from surgeries where doctors cut tight and irritated tendons, freeing nerve endings and muscles for renewed service. The end result was the belief that I would once again feel the tips of my fingers and the constant burning would miraculously disappear. A new strength would return where it no longer existed. Repositioning the ulnar nerves at the elbows would allow for wretched muscle spasms to cease; yet, only time would truly tell. How long does real healing take? Can God still use broken and scarred hands?
The disciples, prior to knowing Jesus, relied upon their hands to provide food and shelter for their families. Fishermen spent endless hours in their boats, pulling ropes and catching fish with bare hands. Tax collectors used their hands to collect funds from every person living in their city. Carpenters bore splinters and cuts as they turned dead pieces of wood into tables, chairs and crosses for the Roman government. Who would have thought that Jesus could transform their scarred and imperfect hands into healing machines, where one touch would transform a humble heart into a called servant? Broken, imperfect and bruised hands were changing lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. God was doing a new thing in each of them. God can do new things in you and me too, if we will simply ask Him to help us.
It was tough, last spring, when I stopped writing devotional messages online. My father-in-law had just passed away, and my mother-in-law was in need of receiving immediate hospice care. My mother was living with us, recovering from a fall she had taken in the spring. We created a "mother-in-law hall" in our home, where both of my mothers could have a place to rest and be cared for. It was during this time that my physician suggested I give my hands a rest! At his instruction, I let go of the things I could. I stopped trying to play piano. I stopped typing devotional messages. God used my broken hands to praise Him in a very different way. My weakened hands became the caring hand for my mothers. I prepared food every day for them to eat. I held their hands at the table while we prayed and watched the birds frolick in the yard. I helped them button their night shirts and tucked them into bed each night. You see, when we learn to let go of our familiarity, God can take a gift we may not even recognize and draw it out of us in new, life-giving ways.
My mother became stable enough to move to assisted living not far from our home. My sister helped me relocate her that summer. I know where I get my fighting spirit from. My mother is doing remarkably well and she teaches me what it means to push on, every single day. My mother-in-law remained in our care until the Lord Jesus Christ returned to bring her into His everlasting arms in August. Every day was a treasured gift, and I marveled at what God was able to do with my imperfect hands.
How is God using your hands for Kingdom work? It may be a simple as sending a card or note to someone who is ill, or hurting. Maybe He will use your hands to cook a simple meal for some really hungry college students. Did you know that feeding your family is a ministry in and of itself? Maybe God will choose to use your hands to call another life into full-time ministry. The Word of God spreads when we allow Him to use our broken, imperfect hands.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
Articles may not be printed in any "for profit" publication without further permission by the author. Articles may be freely distributed via email, reprinted in church bulletins or in other non-profit publications without further permission. Please keep this copyright and Web Site information intact with copied articles.
Today's Reading: Acts 6:6-7a NIV
6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. 7 So the word of God spread.
Good morning!
It would seem that my hands are not what they used to be. When I was a young woman, I could tackle an arpeggio at a tempo of 110 without skipping a beat. I could hold a violin up high on my left shoulder and remain perfectly comfortable while in a three hour rehearsal. My fingers moved and beautiful music filled the air. As I recall, there was no debilitating pain; only joy in the journey. I knew this special gift was from God, He gave me hands to use as I praised Him in worship and song.
Once upon a time I typed 121 words per minute with less than two errors. Fortunately for me, that particular timed test occurred while I was interviewing for a job! My poor posture never kept me from finishing a legal brief or preparing correspondence for signature. I took great care in my work product; for perfection is always the goal.
My hands don't work the way they used to. They are scarred from surgeries where doctors cut tight and irritated tendons, freeing nerve endings and muscles for renewed service. The end result was the belief that I would once again feel the tips of my fingers and the constant burning would miraculously disappear. A new strength would return where it no longer existed. Repositioning the ulnar nerves at the elbows would allow for wretched muscle spasms to cease; yet, only time would truly tell. How long does real healing take? Can God still use broken and scarred hands?
The disciples, prior to knowing Jesus, relied upon their hands to provide food and shelter for their families. Fishermen spent endless hours in their boats, pulling ropes and catching fish with bare hands. Tax collectors used their hands to collect funds from every person living in their city. Carpenters bore splinters and cuts as they turned dead pieces of wood into tables, chairs and crosses for the Roman government. Who would have thought that Jesus could transform their scarred and imperfect hands into healing machines, where one touch would transform a humble heart into a called servant? Broken, imperfect and bruised hands were changing lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. God was doing a new thing in each of them. God can do new things in you and me too, if we will simply ask Him to help us.
It was tough, last spring, when I stopped writing devotional messages online. My father-in-law had just passed away, and my mother-in-law was in need of receiving immediate hospice care. My mother was living with us, recovering from a fall she had taken in the spring. We created a "mother-in-law hall" in our home, where both of my mothers could have a place to rest and be cared for. It was during this time that my physician suggested I give my hands a rest! At his instruction, I let go of the things I could. I stopped trying to play piano. I stopped typing devotional messages. God used my broken hands to praise Him in a very different way. My weakened hands became the caring hand for my mothers. I prepared food every day for them to eat. I held their hands at the table while we prayed and watched the birds frolick in the yard. I helped them button their night shirts and tucked them into bed each night. You see, when we learn to let go of our familiarity, God can take a gift we may not even recognize and draw it out of us in new, life-giving ways.
My mother became stable enough to move to assisted living not far from our home. My sister helped me relocate her that summer. I know where I get my fighting spirit from. My mother is doing remarkably well and she teaches me what it means to push on, every single day. My mother-in-law remained in our care until the Lord Jesus Christ returned to bring her into His everlasting arms in August. Every day was a treasured gift, and I marveled at what God was able to do with my imperfect hands.
How is God using your hands for Kingdom work? It may be a simple as sending a card or note to someone who is ill, or hurting. Maybe He will use your hands to cook a simple meal for some really hungry college students. Did you know that feeding your family is a ministry in and of itself? Maybe God will choose to use your hands to call another life into full-time ministry. The Word of God spreads when we allow Him to use our broken, imperfect hands.
Grace and peace,
Deb Spaulding
Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO
Copyright 2011, Deb Spaulding
All rights reserved
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