Friday, March 30, 2007

A new pathway

Grand Sweep Daily Reading: Judges 20, 21; Psalm 60

Judges 19:23-24 (NIV)
23 The owner of the house went outside and said to them [the wicked men of the city], “No, my friends, don’t be so vile. Since this man is my guest, don’t do this disgraceful thing. 24 Look, here is my virgin daughter, and his concubine. I will bring them out to you now, and you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But to this man, don’t do such a disgraceful thing.

Judges 20:3b (NIV)
3 Then the Israelites said, “Tell us how this awful thing happened.”

Psalm 60:1 (NIV)
1 You have rejected us, O God, and burst forth upon us; you have been angry – now restore us!

Good morning!

This passage of scripture is a prime example of radical hospitality running amuck. The homeowner intended to protect his house guest no matter what. He willingly gave his own little girl away along with the guest’s concubine, in exchange for the security of his guest. Who would do such a thing? How does one determine the intrinsic worth of a human being? Do we compartmentalize a person’s value based solely upon gender, race, class, or belief system? Does the actions and sinfulness of the tribe of Benjamin continue to plague our culture today?

It is a harsh reality when we begin to see the tragic choices we have made through the years. When our congregations begin to care more about preserving their own traditions rather than spreading the Good News of the Gospel, we get lost in self-service. We’ve missed the point. We get so caught up in the motions of religion that we fail to seek out the holy presence of the Lord. God has a plan and purpose for our life’s work. Do we really want to know His will for our life or is it easier to run away? The story of the tribe of Benjamin could have been our story. Is it your story?

Forty years is a long time to wander around in the wilderness. I’ve done a lot of wandering in the last forty years of my life. I’ve sat idle and watched the staggering decline of our church membership. I’ve seen first hand what happens when we miss the point, fall short of the mark, and begin to sink into the pit we have dug for ourselves. Thank God for visionaries. Praise the Lord for the people who are listening to His still small voice day by day, and are willing to stand up and shout, “Turn around!”

Tomorrow morning, a special session of the Missouri Area Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church will meet in Columbia, Missouri, to discuss a new Pathway. We have been challenged to refocus our faith on the only One who can save us, our Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We have an opportunity to let go of our petty differences and lofty ambitions. We can be truly united through the power of His saving blood. If we are brave enough to let go of our personal agenda and allow Jesus Christ to lead us, I am convinced the life blood of our denomination will return. Where the presence of the Lord is, the people will come. The power of the Holy Spirit draws us to Him, especially when we focus our hearts and minds on the Lord.

With one voice in concert tomorrow morning, the people of the United Methodist Church in Missouri will lift our prayers and petitions before the throne of God. Oh God, restore us! May you find His strength in knowing that He hears and answers our prayers. There is a fresh wind moving among us. Like the blossoms of springtime, new life is being renewed. Can you feel it? The Lord will help us, as we cry out to Him with humble and penitent hearts. Oh God, restore us! Teach us how to love each other. Give us passion to tell the whole world about you. Touch us with flames of fire. Help us to only seek your face and discernment to understand your will and direction for our future, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Pray for: This is where new life begins. If you find yourself running toward a dead end, turn around! Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. If you seek Him, He will find you. Are we ready to take a new Pathway?
© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding
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