Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Enjoy the Light"

Today's reading: 2 Samuel 22:29-30 (NIV)

29 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light. 30 With your help I can advance against a troop with my God I can scale a wall.

As I opened a book on my desk this evening, I came across this scripture and decided that before we start the next chapter in Acts, I would share a bit about darkness and light.

It seems as though there are experts everywhere in front of us, newspapers say so, advertising tell us that, television shows try to heal us, etc. Bookstores have a giant array for self-help books on any topic. Who are the people writing or speaking these messages that millions of people receive? What is truth and what isn’t; what is reality and what isn’t; what message is really being received? Reality is, people can believe lots of things from lots of people and still find themselves failing.

I visited with Deb tonight on the phone and if you have ever had a conversation with her in person or on-line or over the phone, you just know deep within that she would never want to say anything or write anything that would lead you astray. She only wants to bring God’s light into the world, and I mean literally the world. The Lord has been her lamp throughout her life and most recently in this place she and Jeff have found themselves.

Deb sends her love to each of you and says a warm thank you for your prayers these last few weeks. Feeling has come back to several of her fingers now and one last finger, as she puts it ‘is thawing out.” She knows that God has scaled this wall with her just as He did for David in his written song of praise. God has been her helper.

Please continue your prayers for Deb and her family for yet other health issues of their children have come to the forefront this week. Their daughter Rachel had a difficult surgery today to repair her body after her cancer surgery of two years ago. Their son David had an MRI today to help doctors get his seizures back under control.

Each day as we face the next wall that is before us, we must remember there is only one expert for us to turn our lives over to and that is God and into His word. His word will never fail us or lead us astray for He turns our darkest times into light.

Enjoy the light!

Dorothy Brucks
Aldersgate UMC
Nixa, MO


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