Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Holding Out for Hope

Today’s Reading: John 20:27 (NIV)

27 Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe!” 28 Thomas said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”

Good morning!

It is easy to become doubtful in today’s world. People are losing their life’s savings on the stock market; homes are being foreclosed on by banks, and people are forced to live with relatives, in their automobiles, and out on the streets. The stress level in families today has surged beyond the breaking point. Tens of thousands of Americans are unemployed and the job market is so inundated with capable, qualified applicants that few are finding work. Employers are cutting staff just to find ways to stay afloat in the depressed marketplace. Many small business owners are closing their doors because consumers have no money with which to purchase their goods. Are you doubtful that a turnaround will happen anytime soon in the global market?

We hear the dismal reports of financial experts and economists from around the world. We listen intently and watch with baited breath as our new American President makes decisions on the changes he believes America needs to survive and thrive. Are you encouraged by the results of his first one hundred days in office? Doubt and fear can paralyze us IF we let it. Are you willing to take that risk?

I come from a long line of pessimists - not that I’m proud of it, but I might as well confess my human weakness for what it is. I’ve learned from the best on how to become cynical and doubtful; discouraged and even a little scared in today’s world. The greater question is whether I will choose to see and know the Truth beyond the circumstance of this moment. Do I hold a greater vision for what has been promised, despite what I see happening all around me? Will I hold out for hope even in this time of deep despair? Hope is a choice, and our hope is based upon the Truth. I believe we need a lot more Truth telling and a little less cover up in our world today.

Here’s the truth of the matter: Jesus Christ said that He had come to die and rise again, conquering human sin and death forever. He promised His disciples that He would be back. It didn’t look very hopeful that day as Jesus suffered on the cross. After He was buried, the disciples doubted that anything that had happened in the last three years had been real. No one thought that Jesus Christ would return like He said. Can you imagine the amazement that Thomas experienced when he personally touched Jesus’ nail-scarred hands? While his circumstances seemed bleak, when the Truth surfaced, He made all the difference.

Looking for a little hope today amid the things you see? Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ changes everything. His Word is Truth and His Word lasts forever. Stop trying to put your nest egg in the hands of the world’s economy. Place your life in the hands of Jesus and find out what it means to experience security and freedom even when you are surrounded by a sea of doubt. Jesus is only a prayer away, and if you will just cry out to Him, you will receive new life, the one change that our world desperately needs!

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO



© Copyright 2009, Deb Spaulding

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