Monday, October 13, 2008

Final exam preparation

Today’s Reading: John 16:23 (NIV)

23 [Jesus said,] “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.”

Good morning!

At the end of the professor’s lecture, he paused and said, “Do you have any questions?” The room was filled with a strange and uncomfortable silence. I surveyed the classroom quickly; no one flinched, not one hand went up in the air. I could see there were some who were trying to think of something to say, but the words had simply evaporated into the time gap. “No questions?” he asked, as the Professor’s eyebrows furrowed in surprise. “Well then, good luck on next week’s test,” and with that, he dismissed class.

Students grabbed their backpacks and left the classroom quickly. I thought to myself how incredibly surreal this moment was with such an abrupt ending. The professor was standing right there, reviewing material for the upcoming final exam. When he asked if we had questions, the opportunity to obtain critical information in preparation for the exam was simply missed, because no one bothered to ask.

Why do we choose to pass up a golden opportunity to ask, especially when we need the answer to help us pass the final exam?

Jesus knew that one day, we would stop asking questions. We continue to write on pages of our present, which will become tomorrow’s world history. Are we asking the right questions? Will our concerns about world economy, the suffering of starving nations, and the wars that rage around us, be answered in such a way that we can learn not to repeat this cycle once again? Have we stopped asking questions all together because we simply do not know what to say?

There is only one answer to all of life’s questions. We need to ask in the name of Jesus. For it is only in Jesus’ name that the Father will hear and answer our prayers. Are you struggling to find the right words as you spend time in holy conversation with the Father? Cry out to Jesus! His name is the only answer you need to pass your final exam.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO


© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

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