Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Amazing grace!

Today’s Reading: John 17:2 (NIV)

2 [Jesus said,] “For you granted Him authority over all people that He might give eternal life to all those you have given Him.”

Good morning!

There is something so very amazing in words that Jesus prayed. He acknowledges the gift of authority that the Father has given Him over all people, so that He might give eternal life to you and me. This is the confirmation we need to know that, without a doubt, we belong with Him. Do you know the eternal life-giver? Is He your friend?

JC Java is a place where the love of God is ever present. I couldn’t help but be moved by Katie’s poetry last night. She read her love notes to the Lord, expressing faith in words that all of us can understand. She loves her life-giver and His presence radiates in her life. Katie is one of many who have learned to express their God-given gift of creativity by sharing faith with others, through writing and music; in song and testimony. Chris played his guitar and sang his unfinished song; his work in progress. This is his gift from the Lord, and he shares it with all of us.

Dr. Steve House, Director of the Center for Christian Ministry Studies at Lindenwood University, penned a poem, an expression of his life’s work, in progress. It is his song of praise; he wrote it while backpacking in the mountains last summer. With Dr. House’s permission, I would like to share his song with you this morning. If you would like to hear it sung, come by Lindenwood’s coffeehouse next week. We are JC’s Java: Where Grace is Free and so is the Coffee.

Mountain Trails

Up, up the mountain trails of my mind

I walk the path, with burdened steps, and slow.

So mindful of the gloom I left behind;

My goal- the sun-lit summit, and the snow.

I’m not alone.

We walk together.

In deep communion;

My Friend and I.

Through every rough place,

Or sunny weather.

He is my helper,

He is my God. He is my Lord. Alt- Lord of the Sky.

I strain to conquer things that hinder me;

The pull of comfort, and of body, and of sleep.

My spirit struggles to be clean and to be free,

To reach the top, and faithfulness to keep.


Below, the hidden valley is in shroud.

The shadows of my heart still hide the sky.

But now, in strength I step above the cloud.

And scan the wide expanse- where eagles fly.


I stop to rest, to take in my reward,

The vista of the ever-changing earth.

This privileged gift bestowed to me by God,

This higher view that comes by my New Birth.


With lighter steps, I cast my burdens down,

Full trusting in my God’s providing love.

With joy renewed, in freshness I race on,

And see the summit brightly- just above.


The scene that only comes from being pure;

The pilgrim’s dream, the end of sacred strife-

And now, the awesome light and beauty sure

I see, because I give away my life.


This life I live, I live by faith in Christ,

My Rock, my Friend, and my Redeemer he.

To serve that Love, the thing that I would do,

He’s helped me do, and so I am set free.


Dedicated to my friend and student, Mat Welch

Another revision, 9/04/08

Another revision, 10/10/08

Another revision, 10/28/08

© Copyright 2008, Steve House

All rights reserved

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO

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