Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The great reveal

Today’s Reading: John 14:22 (NIV)

Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”

Good morning!

Have you been watching the Olympics on television? I’ve been fascinated by the variety of competitive events and the superb talent of each of its participants. Every athlete has trained for years to prepare their bodies and minds for a test of this magnitude. Many of these folks began their Olympic dream as a young child, training in a swimming pool or gymnasium. Some of these athletes are very young. I watched in awe as a fourteen year old dove off a three-story high dive in a synchronized diving competition. His form was near perfect and when this young man hit the water, he barely made a splash. It’s amazing to see the quest for perfection played out in the lives of so many from around the world. In the opening ceremonies, thousands of athletes gathered together to share their lifelong commitment and purpose. They came to play, to compete and to win.

I cannot imagine the time US Olympic athlete Michael Phelps has spent at the swimming pool training for the swim of his life. We are seeing the culmination of years of hard work. Long before Michael was recognized in the Olympic community, he and his family sacrificed training time and financial resources so that he could work toward winning the race. The tears we see streaming down Michael’s mother’s face tell a story that most of us have no true point of reference. We are watching a piece of history unfold; a lifelong dream fulfilled - and we are only beginning to see the end result. Day by day, with every new competition, Michael is breaking world records in Olympic swimming. How long would it take you to prepare for the swim of your life? Would you be ready to jump into Olympic waters and break world class records without first spending years to prepare?

Judas (not Iscariot), one of Jesus’ disciples posed an interesting question to the Lord. He wondered why Jesus intended to reveal Himself to only a few and not to the whole world. What Judas couldn’t see with physical eyes, Christ understood in the Spirit. A firm foundation had been poured from the beginning of time. A time of preparation for His coming and a plan that superseded anything a human heart could possibly imagine is culminating for the whole of humanity. The coming of Messiah had been foretold by prophets, told to children by parents and grandparents, and was eagerly anticipated by many people. Judas was hoping Jesus would not only lead the twelve, but become a world class leader. He longed for heathen Roman rule to submit to the authority of Almighty God.

God’s timing is not our timing. His ways are greater and higher than anything we can fully understand now. Jesus knew that His time had not yet come, but was coming soon. He was preparing to lay down his flesh as the perfect and final sacrifice for all. Jesus understood that the Father’s perfect timing would one day capture the hearts of humanity. He was willing to do the leg work needed to prepare a lost world for the greatest gift of all.

We long for the day when Jesus will return to redeem His bride. Jesus said he was going to prepare a place for us and that He would come back to take us there. Are you ready for Christ to reveal Himself to the world? Will you recognize the Lord when He returns? What preparations do you need to make to be ready for God’s great reveal?

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Faith UMC - St. Charles, MO



© Copyright 2008, Deb Spaulding

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