Sunday, August 12, 2007

Returning to the good old days

Grand Sweep Daily Reading: Lamentations 3, 4, 5

Lamentations 5:21 (NIV)

21 Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may return; renew our days as of old.

Lamentations 3:22-26 (NIV)

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.

23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.

25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him;

26 It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

Good morning!

Yesterday, I sat with my husband in the living room area of some dear friends, enjoying a wonderful barbecue and good company. I had looked forward to this day for some time, because I would finally meet a dear person with whom I had been corresponding online for some time. Terry has been good enough to read my daily devotional messages and help me identify and correct my grammatical and typographical errors. He makes time everyday to perfect my imperfect meanderings. I rely on his years of teaching and mastery of the English language to help me convey God’s Word to those who are looking for a perfect love. My writing may never be perfect; yet, one day, Jesus Christ will perfect me in His love.

As we sat and visited together, I listened to the laughter of old friends enjoying each other’s company. These men and women had grown up together. Many of them had played baseball on the same team during their youth; one of the men became a baseball coach and traveled with baseball leagues throughout his working career. They shared a love of the game and their stories and memories were magnificent. They had grown up in the South, and if you are blessed to have relatives from the states of Texas, Mississippi or Arkansas, you may have some understanding of what the term “Southern hospitality” means. I laughed out loud, while trying to follow everyone’s story, all told at the same time. It is not rude or unkind in the South for everyone to talk all at once. It is a time-honored tradition and a precious communicative art form. I was reminded of the many times I sat around my aunt’s kitchen table in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and listened to the loud chatter of my extended family. Oh, how I miss those never-ending conversations. Yesterday’s picnic brought back precious memories for me. It felt like I had finally returned home.

The Israelites were longing for home. They missed the days of old, when they sat in obedience before the Great I Am. They missed the moments of unending prayer and praise. In their captivity and despair, God’s people reminisced about a time when life was simpler. Following His Word without fail, made life’s journey much easier. How they longed to go home, where they could sit once again at the feet of their God and listen to Him speak. Have you ever been home sick? Are there days when it is all you can do to dream about the returning to the good old days with God?

The Lord has given us the ability to communicate with Him every moment of every day. That vehicle lies within the power of prayer. We have seen it work time and again in our lives. He speaks when we focus our hearts upon Him. He listens to our cries for help and answers. He delights in our delight of simply being in His presence. The experience of perpetual prayer is the deepest love relationship we will ever experience this side of heaven. It gives us a glimpse of what it will be like to return home one day to our Heavenly Father. Can you imagine sitting in His living room, listening to the voices of the faithful, all telling their stories and laughing out loud all the same time? Can you see the delight on your Father’s face? Can you feel the joy of an amazing relationship that will never end?

Pastor Linda Bryan and the congregation of Tomkinsville UMC in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, extends an invitation to all of us today, to come home to the Lord in prayer on September 11th. Their congregation has discovered the joy of intimate fellowship with the Lord through time spent in community prayer. They are inviting 1 million people around the world to pray with them on September 11, 2007. If you would like to become part of this holy conversation, I would urge you to contact Pastor Linda Bryan at Tell her that you would like to participate with their church in a time of community prayer. Can you hear the voices of 1 million people praying out loud the prayers that God has laid upon their hearts to pray? To read more about this event, check out the Interpreter Magazine online article, found at

I miss the good old days, sitting at the Lord’s feet, praying together in one voice. Every one has a story to share and we can do this together, praying in one accord. Won’t you come home with me and enjoy the benefit of being part of the family of God today? Let us pray together.

Grace and peace,

Deb Spaulding

Pray for: the good old days to become a reality in your daily walk. Like the Israelites, we can go home again. Wouldn’t you like to hear the laughter of your family and friends as they share the delights of a never-ending feast in the presence of our God? My friends, it is only a prayer away.


© Copyright 2007, Deb Spaulding

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